ARCHIVED 2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Liberal Studies Program Requirements
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The Liberal Studies component includes a total of forty-two semester hours, distributed as listed below.
C2. Mathematics (3 hours)
This requirement can be satisfied by any higher-level mathematics course. C3. Oral Communication (3 hours)
C5. Physical and Biological Sciences (6 hours)
The two courses taken to meet the C5 requirement must be from two different disciplines. Other 100-200 level science courses from AST, BIOL, CHEM, ENVH, GEOL, NRM, and PHYS (with the exception of BIOL 132, CHEM 241, and courses numbered from 190-199) meet this requirement. The First-Year Seminar (3 hours)
- Students with 0-15 credit hours are required to take this course.
- Students with 15.1 - 29.9 credit hours are eligible to take a First-Year Seminar, but it is not required.
- Students with 30 or more credit hours are not eligible to take First-Year Seminar.
- When a student is not required or ineligible to take the First-Year Seminar, it is considered waived, and the Liberal Studies hour requirement will be reduced from 42 to 39 (total hours for the degree are not reduced).
- Grading for all First-Year Seminars shall be A, B, C or U (“unsatisfactory”)
- Those students receiving a “U” grade must take three credits of liberal studies electives to make up for the unearned credits from the First-Year Seminar.
The Perspectives (18 hours)
Indicates ULP Course* One of the perspectives categories must be met with an Upper Level Perspective course (300-400 level) listed in the perspectives categories below. The Upper Level Perspectives (ULP) course must be outside the discipline of the major. P1. Social Sciences (6 hours)
Courses in two different disciplines are required. P2. Category Has Changed to Core 5 (Physical & Biological Sciences)
P5. Fine and Performing Arts (3 hours)
P6. World Cultures (3 hours)
(Satisfied if student passes MFL 101, 102, 110, 231, 232, 240, or 301) Only three of the six credit hours earned in CHIN, FREN, GER, SPAN 110 apply to P6 category The remainder apply to program, major or elective hours outside of Liberal Studies. NOTE:
A course approved as a Liberal Studies course may be used to meet a major requirement. However, when this happens the student and advisor need to check specifically to make sure the student will still be graduating with the total number of hours to graduate for the specific major program. |
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