Feb 08, 2025  
ARCHIVED 2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fees, Expenses, and Financial Aid

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Western Carolina University holds its charges to the minimum commensurate with the provision of needed services. The following schedule of fees, due and payable by the payment deadline for each semester, will be effective beginning with the fall semester of the 2007-2008 academic year. The university reserves the right to alter any charges without prior notice upon direction from appropriate governing authorities.

Application for admission must be accompanied by a $40, nonrefundable application processing fee, in the form of a check or money order made payable to Western Carolina University unless exempted by one of the following conditions:

  1. The applicant has been enrolled previously for courses at WCU.
  2. The applicant has filed an application for admission within the previous two calendar years. Applicants who meet one of these conditions are not required to pay the $40 application fee.

Payment of Fees. All charges are due and payable on or before the payment deadline for each semester. Payment may be made by mailing a check, cashier’s check or money order, to the Student Accounts Office, in-person at the One Stop in the Killian Annex, or on-line through MyCat. In accordance with state policy, a processing fee of $25 is assessed for returned checks.

Any fees or fines not paid will cause the university to withhold the issuing of transcripts and other records, including registration materials, until all debts are cleared.

Students who preregister will be required to remit full payment of tuition and fees by August 1 for fall semester (December 15 for spring semester) in order to retain their preregistered class schedules. After this deadline, schedules of undergraduate students who have preregistered and not paid will be cancelled. The class seats made available thereby will be offered to these and all other students who register in the regular registration and drop-add periods at the beginning of the semester.

Tuition and Housing Advance Payments


Tuition and Fees. New students who are admitted to Western Carolina University for the fall semester are required to remit a $100 advance payment of tuition and fees. By doing so, the student reserves a place in the entering class and establishes eligibility to preregister for courses to be taken in the first term of enrollment. This amount is due and payable upon notification of acceptance for admission and must be paid prior to participation in course preregistration. The payment is fully creditable to charges for the first semester of enrollment. If a student’s plan to enroll at Western Carolina University changes, the advance payment is fully refundable if the university receives written notice of cancellation on or before June 1 preceding the scheduled fall enrollment. If notice of cancellation is not given or is received after this deadline, the advance payment will be refunded, subject to a $50 administrative fee. The advance payment is not required for new summer or spring semester enrollees.

Housing. New students who intend to live on the University campus must remit a $100 advance payment of housing charges. Freshmen students are required to live on campus, except freshmen from the local area may apply for a housing waiver to commute from home. Freshmen living in Jackson, Macon, Haywood, and Swain Counties may apply for a Housing Waiver to live at home. This amount is due and payable upon notification of admission and is fully creditable to housing charges for the first semester of enrollment. Returning students are required to remit a $150 advance payment of housing charges by June 1 of each year to secure residence hall spaces for the next academic year. This payment is fully creditable to first semester housing charges.

If either a new or returning student’s plan to enroll at WCU changes, the advance payment is fully refundable if the university receives written notice of cancellation on or before June 1 (December 1 for spring semester) preceding the scheduled enrollment. If notice of cancellation is not provided or is received after June 1 (December 1 for spring semester), the advance payment will be refunded minus a $50 administrative charge. After June 1, requests and advance payments for campus housing will be accepted on a space-available basis.

Late Registration. A student who registers and/or pays fees after the last regular registration date will be charged a late fee of $10. See the Academic Calendar.

Resident and Distance Learning Tuition and Fee Charges

The university classifies its programs and courses into two categories: resident and distance learning (DL). Students should become familiar with the classification of their programs, because each has a different tuition and fee structure. Resident programs are located on campus in Cullowhee or at resident centers in Asheville/Buncombe County and Cherokee. Degree or certificate programs that are approved for DL serve students away from the Cullowhee campus and its resident centers. Course sections are classified as resident or distance based on the intended population to be served. Although course section classifications as resident or distance typically follow program designations, there are exceptions. So, during the on-line registration process, students should look at the CAMPUS designation to determine whether the course section is a resident or distance course for tuition purposes.

Tuition and fees are based on program and/or course section campus classification and are applied to all academic terms. Typically, resident and distance students enroll in course sections in the same classification as their program (e.g. distance students enroll in distance courses). Occasionally, students may find it necessary to enroll in a course section whose designation is different from the classification of their approved programs. When this occurs, distance and part-time resident students will be charged the tuition and fees associated with the classification of each individual course section (resident or distance). Full-time resident students will be charged their full-time rate regardless of the combination of resident and distance course sections. Since there is no full-time rate for DL students, they will be charged the part-time rate for resident courses in which they enroll unless their program has a special provision to be charged otherwise. Special provisions may be approved for specific programs (e.g. Military and Jamaican programs).

Fees Per Semester


Full-time Student

UNDERGRADUATE—tuition and required fees, NC  


UNDERGRADUATE—tuition and required fees, out-of-state  


GRADUATE—tuition and required fees, NC  


GRADUATE—tuition and required fees, out-of-state  


Residence Halls
  Standard Residence Hall
    •Single Room  


    •Double Room  


  Reynolds (Honors College)
    •Single Room  


    •Double Room  


  Central Drive Hall
    •Single Room  


    •Double Room  


  Robertson (Married Students)


    •One bedroom  


    •Graduate Students  


  The Greek Village  


  Norton Road    
    •Single Room  


    •Double Room  


Meal Plans**
80 All-you-care-to-eat meals per semester  


  plus $680.00 declining balance
80 All-you-care-to-eat meals  


  per semester plus $865 Declining Balance  


Declining Balance (Upper classman)  


Declining Balance (Upper classman)  


Declining Balance-Greek Village  

$ 835.00

Commuter Declining  


Commuter Variable Declining  


**The last day to make meal plan changes for Fall semester is August 24, 2007.

Per Semester Charges Detail
Full-time Student   North Carolina

$ 1,014.00



*Required Fees  

$ 1,314.50


$ 1,314.50

**Book Rental Fee  

$ 107.00


$ 107.00

***Room (standard double)  




****Board (80 AYCE + $680DB)  

$ 1,315.00


$ 1,315.00





*Fees include $298.00 for Health Insurance Fee. May be waived by verifying coverage at www.studentinsurance.com.

Western Carolina University is a publicly supported institution. Tuition payments and other required fees meet only a part of the total cost of the education of students enrolled. On the average, for each full-time student enrolled in an institution of the University of North Carolina, the State of North Carolina appropriates $9,980.00 per year in public funds to support the educational programs offered.

Dining Services

Meal Plan Requirement
University policy requires students who live in a residence hall to purchase a meal plan from the available plans each semester. Unused declining balance points at the end of fall semester will transfer to spring semester for continuing students. Unused declining balance points are forfeited at the end of spring semester. Block Plan meals must be used in the semester for which they were purchased. Unused Block Plan meals do not transfer to the following semester and will be forfeited at the end of the semester. The balance remaining at the end of fall term does not change the requirement to purchase a meal plan for spring semester. No refunds will be issued for unused block plan or declining balance points.

Meal Plan Changes:
Deadline for students to change their meal plan is the last day of course drop/add each semester.

Block Plan Meals
Block Meals are prepaid meals that can be used at Dodson Cafeteria for any meal served. Block Plan meals are available to use throughout the semester. There is no limit on the number of meals that may be used during a specific day or week, but meals must be used in the semester for which they are purchased. Block Meals do not transfer from semester to semester. Block Meals may only be used at Dodson Cafeteria.

Declining Balance Points
Declining Balance Points work on the same principle as bank debit cards. Each time you make a food purchase, the total cost of your purchase is subtracted from the point balance in your account. Declining balance points may be used at any campus dining location including the convenience stores and snack vending machines. Unused declining balance points at the end of fall semester will transfer to spring semester. Unused declining balance points at the end of spring semester are forfeited. No refunds will be issued for unspent declining balance points.

ID Card
A valid WCU Cat Card is required to use your meal plan. You must personally present your Cat Card to access your meal plan. You may not loan your card to another student. Cards presented in dining locations by someone other than the card owner will be confiscated. Cards and replacements may be obtained in the Killian Annex at One Stop Student Service Center. Cards that are damaged or the picture is impaired may be confiscated. Lost or stolen cards must be reported immediately to the Cat Card office or to University Police in order to have the card declared invalid. The University and Dining Services are not liable for purchases made with lost or stolen cards.

Serving Dates:
Your meal plan can be used during scheduled service times from lunch on the day residence halls open until residence halls close at the end of the semester except during these University holidays: Thanksgiving Break (Wednesday – Sunday lunch), Winter Break, and Spring Break. Serving dates and hours of operation at individual dining locations are described on our website at http://wcudining.wcu.edu. Holiday hours will also be posted several days in advance at each location and will be available on the website.

Meal Plans

Premium Declining Balance ($1035.00 per semester)
(Available to sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students based on credit hours)

Standard Declining Balance ($935.00 per semester)
(Available to sophomores, juniors,
seniors and graduate students based on
credit hours)

Village Declining Balance ($835.00 per semester***)
(Available to Village residents only
regardless of credit hours)
***Requires a one year contact. Unused declining balance points at the end of spring semester will transfer to the following summer session. Unused declining balance points at the end of summer session will be forfeited.

Premium 80 Block Plan ($1315.00 per semester)
80 “All you care to eat” meals
+ $865 Declining Balance Points
(Available to all students)

Standard 80 Block Plan ($1135.00 per semester)
80 “All you care to eat” meals
+ $680 Declining Balance Point
(Required for freshman)

Part-time Student

Undergraduate, enrolled for eleven or fewer hours; graduate, enrolled for eight or fewer hours.

  Undergraduate   Graduate
  In-State   Out-of-State   In-State   Out-of-State



$ 338.28


$ 1,536.16


$ 356.48


$ 1,554.61



























































































For each course scheduled for audit, a charge will be made equal to the credit hour value of the audited course.

Other Fees

Undergraduate admission application fee (one time only)   $40
Graduation fee   $30
Late fee   $10
Cap, gown, and hood   Obtained through WCU Bookstore
CLEP, GRE, NTE, etc.   Fee set by Educational Testing Service

* Required fees include: Health Services, $108.00; Recreational and Cultural, $223.25; Athletics, $250.25; Athletic Facilities, $45.00; Documents Fee, $5.00; Education and Technology, $156.00; ASG, $.50; Student Recreation Center Debt Fee, $75.00; Transportation Fee, $24.00, Administrative Computing, $26.00; University Center Debt Fee, $47.00; Dining facility debt fee, $56.50; Health Insurance, $298.00 (Nonrefundable. Required by full-time students only. May be waived by verifying coverage at www.studentinsurance.com)
** Textbooks are available to graduate students by purchase only.
***With standard residence hall - double room rate.
****The all-you-care-to-eat meal plans combine an All You Care To Eat program located at Dodson Cafeteria and a declining balance account that can be used at the other food-service locations on campus. “All You Care to Eat” plans include block meals that can be used any time during the semester, within normal facilities operating hours. Declining balance meal purchases are deducted throughout the term from a student’s available balance of declining balance points. During the semester, any student with a declining balance account may make additional prepayments in minimum increments of $50 to increase the balance .

Refund Policies


Academic Year Tuition and Fees. During a fall or spring semester, a full-time or part-time student who withdraws from the university before the first day of classes will be refunded 100 percent of tuition and fees. Students who withdraw from the university beginning the first day of classes are entitled to refunds of tuition and fees in accordance with the following schedule (with the exception of the non-refundable health insurance fee):

First day of classes   95 percent
1 to 11 calendar days following the first day of classes   90 percent
12 to 28 calendar days following the first day of classes   50 percent
29 to 57 calendar days following the first day of classes   25 percent
58 calendar days following the first day of classes   0 percent

Students who withdraw from the university as a result of involuntary recall to military service, pursuant to a Presidential order authorizing the call-up of reservists, and who are thereby prevented from receiving credit for the courses in which they are enrolled will be entitled to a full refund of tuition and fees. Refunds of room and board charges will be prorated based on the number of days the dormitory room was occupied and the meal ticket was used. Students having the declining balance meal plan will be refunded the actual account balance at the time of withdrawal. Students who reduce their course loads during the registration period for the semester as defined in this catalog but who continue to be enrolled in the university will have their tuition and fees adjusted fully to reflect only the number of semester hours in which they remain enrolled. Part-time students are eligible for a refund based on the semester-hour tuition rate. Full-time students are eligible for a refund only when course loads are reduced below the minimum hours required to qualify as full-time. No adjustment will be made for reduced loads after the close of the registration period. However, students who drop all courses must withdraw from the university. They are, therefore, eligible only for the partial refunds that apply to university withdrawals.

Summer School Tuition and Fees. A student who withdraws from summer school before the first day of classes will be refunded 100 percent of tuition and fees. Students who withdraw from the University beginning the first day of classes are eligible for refunds through the first fifty percent of the summer session. The refund prorations for summer school are available from the Student Accounts Office. Summer school students who reduce their course loads by one or more semester hours within three days following regular registration or on or before the date of the second class meeting, whichever is later, will have tuition and fees adjusted to reflect the number of semester hours in which they remain enrolled.

Room and Board. Refunds of room fees for any semester or summer term will be calculated at the same rate as tuition and fees.Meal plan refunds for standard meal plans will be calculated based on a prorated daily balance. Meal plan refunds for declining balance plans will be based on the actual balance remaining on the student account at the time of withdrawal. All-you-care-to-eat meal plans have a standard declining balance component. Refunds for all-you-care-to-eat plans will be based on the policy applicable to each component. Refunds will not be made for the last two weeks of a semester or for the last week of a summer session.

Exceptions. Exceptions to these policies may be made if a student withdraws from the university for reasons of hardship. These reasons are defined as: (1) death of the student, (2) death in the student’s immediate family, (3) a medical condition that compels withdrawal upon recommendation of the director of Student Health Services, or (4) a mental health condition that compels withdrawal upon recommendation of the director of Counseling and Psychological Services. Requests for exceptions should be submitted to the Refund Appeals Committee, One Stop Student Service Center. Approved exceptions for refunds or account adjustments will be forwarded to the Student Accounts Office to make final settlement of the student’s account.All refunds, regardless of the source of payment, will be made by a check payable to the student.

Tuition Surcharge Policy


Pursuant to actions of the North Carolina General Assembly and policy adopted by The Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina, a twenty-five percent tuition surcharge applies to students who take more than 140 semester hours and more than eight regular semesters (i.e., fall and spring) to complete a baccalaureate degree. This policy is effective for all new undergraduates entering on and after fall semester 1994. The semester hours used to calculate the total of 140 hours include repeated, failed, dropped (i.e., W’s), and transferred credit courses. Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), WCU Advanced Placement, and courses including extension courses earned through summer session(s) at any University of North Carolina institution are excluded from the 140-hour calculation. Students pursuing a second baccalaureate degree will have the surcharge applied to hours that exceed 110 percent of the hours determined to be required to earn the degree. In all cases the surcharge applies to only tuition and not fees. The official policy may be obtained from the Office of Enrollment Management, 560 H.F. Robinson Administration Building during regular office hours.

Book Rental Plan


The WCU Bookstore Book Rental Department offers textbook rentals to on-campus undergraduate students for courses numbered 100-499. Students pay a flat fee of $107.00 each semester and are entitled to the adopted textbook used in each course for which they are registered. Part-time students pay a pro-rated amount equal to the number of semester hours for which the student is registered times the established hourly rate. This plan does not provide notebooks, workbooks, paperbacks, manuals, or supplemental books and materials; these are available for purchase at the Bookstore. Students may purchase Book Rental textbooks at replacement cost (list price less 20 percent), but this does not exempt them from paying the rental fee. Book Rental fees are included with tuition and can be paid in the One-Stop Office. Further information about the Book Rental Plan can be found at wcubookstore.wcu.edu/.


Rental books must be returned no later than five working days after the last day of final exams each term (including Mini-Mester and Summer School). Unreturned books will be charged to your student account at replacement cost. Books returned after this five-day period will be credited to your student account at 1/2 the charged amount. Grossly mistreated books must be purchased. There are no exceptions to the above policy.Textbooks may be returned by mail. Include your full name and student ID number to:

WCU Bookstore
Attention Book Rental
Western Carolina University

Cullowhee , NC 28723Graduate students must purchase all required texts, regardless of course level. Textbooks for courses numbered 500 and above are available at the Bookstore. Textbooks for courses numbered below 500 are available for purchase at the Book Rental Department.

Residence Status for Tuition Purpose


The basis for determining the appropriate tuition charge rests upon whether a student is a resident or a nonresident for tuition purposes. Each student must make a statement as to the length of his or her residence in North Carolina, with assessment by the institution of that statement to be conditioned by the following:

Residence. To qualify as a resident for tuition purposes, a person must become a legal resident and remain a legal resident for at least twelve months immediately prior to classification. Thus, there is a distinction between legal residence and residence for tuition purposes. Furthermore, twelve months legal residence means more than simple abode in North Carolina. In particular it means maintaining a domicile (permanent home of indefinite duration) as opposed to “maintaining a mere temporary residence or abode incident to enrollment in an institution of higher education.” The burden of establishing facts which justify classification of a student as a resident entitled to in-state tuition rates is on the applicant for such classification, who must show his or her entitlement by the preponderance (the greater part) of the residentiary information.

Initiative. Being classified a resident for tuition purposes is contingent on the student’s seeking such status and providing all information that the institution may require in making the determination.

Parents Domicile. If an individual, irrespective of age, has living parent(s) or courtappointed guardian, the domicile of such parent(s) or guardian is, prima facie, the domicile of the individual; but this prima facie evidence of the individual’s domicile may or may not be sustained by other information. Further, nondomiciliary status of parents is not deemed prima facie evidence of the applicant child’s status if the applicant has lived, though not necessarily legally resided in North Carolina, for the five years preceding enrollment or reregistration.

Effect of Marriage. Marriage alone does not prevent a person from becoming or continuing to be a resident for tuition purposes, nor does marriage in any circumstance ensure that a person will become or continue to be a resident for tuition purposes. Marriage and the legal residence of one’s spouse are, however, relevant information in determining residentiary intent. Furthermore, if both husband and wife are legal residents of North Carolina and if one of them has been a legal resident longer than the other, then the longer duration may be claimed by either spouse in meeting the twelve-month requirement for in-state tuition status.

Military Personnel. Any active duty member of the armed services qualifying for admission to an institution of higher education as defined in G.S. 116-143.1(a)(3) but not qualifying as a resident for tuition purposes under G.S. 116-143.1 shall be charged the in-State tuition rate and applicable mandatory fees for enrollments while the member of the armed services is abiding in this State incident to active military duty in this State. In the event the active duty member of the armed services is reassigned outside of North Carolina or retires, the member shall continue to be eligible for the in-State tuition rate and applicable mandatory fees so long as the member is continuously enrolled in the degree or other program in which the member was enrolled at the time the member is reassigned. In the event the active duty member of the armed services receives an Honorable Discharge from military service, the member shall continue to be eligible for the in-State tuition rate and applicable mandatory fees so long as the member establishes residency in North Carolina within 30 days after the discharge and is continuously enrolled in the degree or other program in which the member was enrolled at the time the member is discharged.Any department relative of a member of the armed services who is abiding in this State incident to active military duty, as defined by the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina and by the State Board of Community Colleges while sharing the abode of that member shall be eligible to be charged the in-State tuition rate, if the dependent relative qualifies for admission to an institution of higher education as defined in G.S. 116-143.1(a)(3). The dependent relatives shall comply with the requirements of the Selective Service System, if applicable, in order to be accorded this benefit. In the event the member of the armed services is reassigned outside of North Carolina or retires, the dependent relative shall continue to be eligible for the in-State tuition rate and applicable mandatory fees so long as the dependent relative is continuously enrolled in the degree or other program in which the dependent relative was enrolled at the time the member is reassigned or retires. In the event the member of the armed services receives an Honorable Discharge from military service, the dependent relative shall continue to be eligible for the in-State tuition rate and applicable mandatory fees so long as the dependent relative establishes residency within North Carolina within 30 days after the discharge and is continuously enrolled in the degree or other program in which the dependent relative was enrolled at the time the member is discharged.

Grace Period. If a person (1) has been a bona fide legal resident of the required duration, (2) has consequently been classified a resident for tuition purposes, and (3) has subsequently lost North Carolina legal residence while enrolled at a public institution of higher education, that person may continue to enjoy the in-state tuition rate for a grace period of twelve months measured from the date on which North Carolina legal residence was lost. If the twelve months end during an academic term for which the person is enrolled at a state institution of higher education, the grace period extends, in addition, to the end of that term. The fact of marriage to one who continues domiciled outside North Carolina does not by itself cause loss of legal residence marking the beginning of the grace period.

Minors. Minors (persons under eighteen years of age) usually have the domicile of their parents, but certain special cases are recognized by the residence classification statute in determining residence for tuition purposes.

  1. If a minor’s parents live apart, the minor’s domicile is deemed to be North Carolina for the time period(s) that either parent, as a North Carolina legal resident, may claim and does claim the minor as a tax dependent, even if other law or judicial act assigns the minor’s domicile outside North Carolina. A minor thus deemed to be a legal resident will not, upon achieving majority before enrolling at an institution of higher education, lose North Carolina legal residence if that person (1) upon becoming an adult “acts, to the extent that the person’s degree of actual emancipation permits, in a manner consistent with bona fide legal residence in North Carolina” and (2) “begins enrollment at an institution of higher education not later than the fall academic term following completion of education prerequisite to admission at such institution.”
  2. If a minor has lived for five or more consecutive years with relatives (other than parents) who are domiciled in North Carolina and if the relatives have functioned during this time as if they were personal guardians, the minor will be deemed a resident for tuition purposes for an enrolled term commencing immediately after at least five years in which these circumstances have existed. If, under this consideration, a minor is deemed to be a resident for tuition purposes immediately prior to his or her eighteenth birthday, that person on achieving majority will be deemed a legal resident of North Carolina of at least twelve months duration. This provision acts to confer in-state tuition status even in the face of other provisions of law to the contrary; however, a person deemed a resident of twelve months duration pursuant to this provision continues to be a legal resident of the state only so long as he or she does not abandon North Carolina domicile.

Lost but Regained Domicile. If a student ceases enrollment at or graduates from an institution of higher education while classified a resident for tuition purposes and then both abandons and reacquires North Carolina domicile within a twelve-month period, that person, if he or she continues to maintain the reacquired domicile into re-enrollment at an institution of higher education, may re-enroll at the in-state tuition rate without having to meet the usual twelve-month durational requirement. However, any one person may receive the benefit of the provision only once.

Change of Status. A student admitted to initial enrollment in an institution (or permitted to re-enroll following an absence from the institutional program which involved a formal withdrawal from enrollment) must be classified by the admitting institution either as a resident or as a nonresident for tuition purposes prior to actual enrollment. A residence status classification, once assigned and finalized pursuant to any appeal properly taken may be changed thereafter (with corresponding change in billing rates) only at intervals corresponding with the established primary divisions of the academic year.

Transfer Students. Students who transfer from one North Carolina public institution of higher education to another are treated as new students by the institution to which they are transferring and must be assigned an initial residence-status classification for tuition purposes.

Waiver of Tuition. Legal residents of North Carolina who have attained the age of sixtyfive or certain family of deceased or disabled emergency workers who meet applicable admission standards, may enroll on a tuition-free basis if space is available, but must pay required fees. Further information is available from the Office of the Registrar.

Financial Aid


The financial aid office administers programs that assist students in meeting educational costs while attending Western Carolina University. Awards are offered on the basis of both need and academic promise. Most awards are renewable, provided that financial need continues and satisfactory academic progress is maintained. Applications for consideration of eligibility are filed annually at no cost to the student and family. Entering students interested in applying for financial aid must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students who have previously completed the FAFSA should receive a renewal application from the federal processor prior to January 1. This must be submitted as soon as possible after January 1 of each year the student will attend; Western Carolina University should be listed as a recipient of the information. The FAFSA may be obtained from the WCU financial aid office or from a high school guidance counselor, or it can be accessed online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. The application should be completed as accurately as possible and conform with income tax information, since discrepancies require resubmission of information and consequent delay. The WCU personal data application will be mailed to applicants upon receipt of information from the federal processor. Receipt of this information generally completes the application process, provided applicants are not selected for verification, which requires additional documents. Since the most attractive sources of financial assistance are very limited, applicants are encouraged to complete the FAFSA by the institutional priority deadline date of March 31. Failure to complete the application may result in the loss of institutional grants or scholarships.Federal guidelines regarding student financial aid require that a recipient be making “satisfactory progress” toward a degree. A student must be progressing both qualitatively and quantitatively toward graduation within a prescribed time frame. To comply with these guidelines, Western Carolina University has defined minimum satisfactory academic progress for a full-time undergraduate student to remain eligible for financial aid according to the following criteria:

  • all undergraduate students must complete at least seventy percent of all hours attempted at Western Carolina University;
  • students who have attempted between six (6) and twenty-three (23) hours must have a cumulative GPA of at least 1.5;
  • students who have attempted between twenty-four (24) and fifty-nine (59) hours must have a cumulative GPA of at least 1.8;
  • students who have attempted sixty (60) hours or more must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0

To remain eligible for financial aid, a student must meet these minimum requirements:Students are expected to complete their undergraduate degree in eight semesters (four years). As required by federal regulations, no student receiving financial assistance can exceed 150 percent (twelve semesters) of the normal time (eight semesters) to complete an undergraduate degree. This allows for double majors and change of majors.

Notification of Awards. Notification of awards, beginning with completed applications for aid received prior to April 1, will begin April 1 and will continue thereafter. The processing time for applications is approximately six weeks after the file is complete.

Types of Aid. Three principal types of aid are available: (1) scholarships or grants, which do not have to be repaid, awarded directly to the student; (2) loans, usually long-term and low- interest, to be repaid after the student leaves college; (3) employment, often work related to the student’s field of study. Composite awards frequently are made, with the total amount dependent upon the student’s individual needs and financial situation. Application forms and further information are available from the financial aid office.



Federal Perkins Loan. These loans are awarded to undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate financial need and meet the federal eligibility requirements. The maximum amount an eligible student may borrow is $4,000 per year as an undergraduate and $6,000 per year as a graduate. The maximum aggregate loan amount for an eligible undergraduate student is $20,000. A graduate student may borrow a maximum of $40,000 minus the amount borrowed as an undergraduate. Interest and repayment start nine months after the student leaves school or drops below half-time status. The interest rate is five percent.

Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford/Ford Loan. These government-subsidized loans are available to students through the U.S. Treasury. They are insured by the federal government and are available to undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate financial need and meet the federal eligibility requirements. Depending on demonstrated need, a student may borrow up to $2,625 as a freshman, $3,500 as a sophomore, and $5,500 per year for the third through fifth years of undergraduate work. Graduate students may borrow up to $8,500 per year. There is a three percent origination fee with a variable interest rate based on the 91-day Treasury Bill plus 3.10 percent (capped at 8.25 percent). Repayment begins the day following expiration of a six-month grace period.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford Loan. The Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford Loan Program provides loans to students after their demonstrated need has been met. The maximum amounts to borrow are based on the grade level of the students. There is a three percent combined origination and insurance fee. The interest is the same as the subsidized Stafford and the borrower is responsible for accrued interest.

Federal Direct PLUS (Parents) Loans. These loans provide funds to parents to help meet the cost of education. They may borrow up to the cost of education per child minus other financial aid. There is a four percent origination fee with a variable interest rate based on the fifty-two week Treasury Bill plus 3.10 percent (capped at nine percent). Interest starts upon disbursement of funds. Repayment begins the date funds are disbursed. Borrowers may not have an adverse credit history to be determined eligible.

Loans for Study in Health, Science, and Mathematics. The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA) provides loans to North Carolina residents for study in selected health, science, and mathematics disciplines. Programs at Western Carolina University to which the loans are applicable are education majors in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physical and health sciences; other areas include medical technology and nursing. The amount of the loan is $4,000 annually to undergraduates during their second, third, and fourth years of study, and $5,000 for graduate students for two years. Recipients agree to cancel their obligation by securing full-time employment in designated shortage areas in health or in secondary or post-secondary school systems. For more information, contact the North Carolina Student Loan Program for Health, Science, and Mathematics, P.O. Box 20549, Raleigh, North Carolina 27619-0549 or telephone 919-549-8614.

North Carolina Four-Year Teaching Fellows Program. Established by the General Assembly, this program is designed to fully subsidize the college cost of up to 400 talented high school seniors. Recipients will receive up to $6,500 per year for each of their four years in college. For each year that a Teaching Fellow teaches in a North Carolina public school after graduating from college, one-fourth of the Teaching Fellows award will be forgiven by the state. Applications are available through high school guidance offices, high school teacher recruiters, and the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission, 3739 National Drive, Suite 210, Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 or telephone 919-781-6527.

North Carolina Prospective Teacher Scholarship-Loans. Financial assistance to full-time students in teacher education programs is available at $2,500 per academic year and may be continued for four years of undergraduate study if all prerequisites are met. Priority is given to students preparing for teaching in fields where the need is greatest. Scholarship loans are to be repaid in cash at six percent interest or by teaching in the public schools of North Carolina one year for each year of the loan.

Nurse Education Scholarship Loan Program. This scholarship loan program is based upon financial need to work in combination with existing financial resources. A scholarship loan may be repaid through service in the state following completion of the nursing program or repayment in cash plus ten percent interest from the date of disbursement. A completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required for consideration. For additional information, contact the Financial Aid Office.

The Nurse Scholars’ Program. Established by the North Carolina General Assembly, this competitive, merit-based scholarship loan program is available to North Carolina students of exceptional academic achievement and leadership potential who desire to enter the nursing profession. Applications for a NSP award may be made by individuals who have been admitted to a participating nurse-education program and who meet the minimum qualifications for selection. The North Carolina Nurse Scholars Commission selects 100 high school seniors for four-year scholarships at $5,000 per year and twenty-five upper-class recipients for $3,000 per year. A year of assistance may be repaid through a year of employment in a healthcare agency in North Carolina.

Pickett and Hatcher Educational Fund, Inc. The Pickett and Hatcher Educational Fund, Inc., is a private, nonprofit, noncommercial educational trust fund created to assist full-time undergraduate students in fields of study other than law, medicine, or the ministry. Lowinterest loans with deferred payments are made to qualified residents of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Virginia. The fund begins the distribution of application blanks for the next academic year on October 1. The deadline for returning the completed application is May 15. For information, write to Pickett and Hatcher Educational Fund, Inc., P.O. Box 8169, Columbus, Georgia 31908-8169.

Wachovia Charitable Funds Bank Loan. There are two separate accounts from which loans are available, the Thomas A. Case Student Loan Fund and the Lucius Lanier Memorial Funds. Applicants must reside in Western North Carolina, submit a written application, and appear for a personal interview in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The maximum amount of loan is $1,500 per year with a maximum total of $6,000 per recipient. Interest on the loan is 5 percent on the unpaid balance and repayment begins within three months after the student terminates his or her enrollment. Applications and further information are available by contacting Wachovia Bank of North Carolina Charitable Funds, P.O. Box 3099, MC 31022, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27150.



Federal Pell Grants. Eligibility for assistance under the Pell Program is based on financial need as determined by a formula of the U.S. Department of Education that is applied uniformly to all applicants. Awards range from $400 to $4,050 per academic year depending upon the cost of attendance. Students who complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) are considered for Federal Pell Grant eligibility.

Diversity Grant Program. The Diversity Grant Program awards grant funds in support of advancing the academic benefits of a diverse student body. These limited funds are awarded to North Carolina residents who demonstrate financial need and who would bring an element of diversity to Western Carolina University’s campus environment. All applicants must apply for financial assistance by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Incentive Grant Program for Native Americans. Under this Board of Governors program, North Carolina residents demonstrating need who are Native Americans enrolled in a tribe recognized by North Carolina are eligible. All applicants must apply for financial assistance by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and an application form available in the Financial Aid Office. Students must demonstrate financial need and be enrolled as a full-time student. Awards are for $700 per academic year.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants. This program provides funds through participating educational institutions to undergraduate students with exceptional financial need who would be unable to enter or remain in an institution of higher education without such assistance. This grant is generally awarded only to students who are eligible for Pell Grants.

North Carolina Student Incentive Grant Program. Full-time undergraduate students who are legal residents of North Carolina may apply for grants based upon demonstrated financial need. Grants may not exceed $1,500 per academic year.

North Carolina Tuition Grants. Established by the General Assembly of North Carolina, these grants are awarded to North Carolina residents who are eligible for Pell Grants. The value of the grant is determined by the Pell Grant eligibility.

University of North Carolina Need-Based Grant. A student must be enrolled in at least six credit hours at one of the sixteen UNC system universities. Eligibility is based on a calculation of need, using income data from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Award amounts may vary, based on legislative appropriations.

Special Assistance


Veterans Administration Programs. Most veterans who served on active duty for more than 180 days, any part of which occurred after January 31, 1955, are generally eligible for financial support. Before communicating with the university about these benefits, prospective recipients should make inquiries and complete all requirements at their local Veterans Administration Office.

Vocational Rehabilitation Assistance. Assistance covering fees, books, and supplies is provided. To be eligible, an individual must have a disability that interferes with employment; show reasonable promise of becoming suitably employed within an acceptable period of time; and be of, or close to, working age. Further information can be obtained from local vocational rehabilitation offices.

War Orphans Education Assistance Act. Sons and daughters of deceased veterans and of totally disabled veterans who are eighteen through twenty-six years of age are eligible for financial aid if the death or disability of the parent was a result of service in the armed forces. Local Veterans Administration offices can supply complete details.



Federal Work-Study Program. Employment is available to eligible students to help them pay for college expenses. An effort is made to assign students to work related to their fields of study or to use their special interests and skills. This program is administered through the financial aid office.

Graduate Assistantships. Stipends of $6,000 to $8,500, depending upon the assignment involved, are awarded to qualified graduate students through the Graduate School. These stipends require twenty hours of work per week.

Resident Assistants. Positions as assistants in the residence halls are available to qualified undergraduate students. Contact the Department of Residential Living.

Other Part-time Work Opportunities. A part-time job service for students is operated through the Career Services/Cooperative Education Office. All non work-study job opportunities on the campus and some off-campus jobs are posted with Career Services/Cooperative Education. Students should check the on-line posted vacancies at http://careers.wcu.edu; information for student part-time jobs. The career services office is located on the 2nd floor of the Killian Annex building.