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History of The University of North Carolina
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In North Carolina, all the public educational institutions that grant baccalaureate degrees are part of The University of North Carolina. Western Carolina University is one of the sixteen constituent institutions of the multi-campus state university.
The University of North Carolina, chartered by the North Carolina General Assembly in 1789, was the first public university in the United States to open its doors and the only one to graduate students in the eighteenth century. The first class was admitted in Chapel Hill in 1795. For the next 136 years, the only campus of The University of North Carolina was at Chapel Hill.
In 1877, the North Carolina General Assembly began sponsoring additional institutions of higher education, diverse in origin and purpose. Five were historically black institutions, and another was founded to educate American Indians. Several were created to prepare teachers for the public schools. Others had a technological emphasis. One is a training school for performing artists.
In 1931, the North Carolina General Assembly redefined The University of North Carolina to include three state-supported institutions: the campus at Chapel Hill (now the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), North Carolina State College (now North Carolina State University at Raleigh), and Woman’s College (now the University of North Carolina at Greensboro). The new multi-campus university operated with one board of trustees and one president. By 1969, three additional campuses had joined the university through legislative action: the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the University of North Carolina at Asheville, and the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
In 1971, the North Carolina General Assembly passed legislation bringing into the University of North Carolina the state’s ten remaining public senior institutions, each of which had until then been legally separate: Appalachian State University, East Carolina University, Elizabeth City State University, Fayetteville State University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, North Carolina Central University, the North Carolina School of the Arts, Pembroke State University, Western Carolina University, and Winston-Salem State University. This action created the current sixteen-campus university. In 1985, the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, a residential high school for gifted students, was declared an affiliated school of the university; and in 1996, Pembroke State University was renamed The University of North Carolina at Pembroke through legislative action.
The UNC Board of Governors is the policy-making body legally charged with the general determination, control, supervision, management, and governance of all affairs of the constituent institutions. It elects the president, who administers the university. The thirtytwo voting members of the Board of Governors are elected by the North Carolina General Assembly for four-year terms. Former board chairmen and board members who are former governors of North Carolina may continue to serve for limited periods as non-voting members emeriti. The president of the UNC Association of Student Governments, or that student’s designee, is also a non-voting member.
Each of the sixteen constituent institutions is headed by a chancellor, who is chosen by the Board of Governors on the president’s nomination and is responsible to the president. Each institution has a board of trustees, consisting of eight members elected by the Board of Governors, four appointed by the governor, and the president of the student body, who serves ex officio. The North Carolina School of the Arts has two additional ex officio members. Each board of trustees holds extensive powers over academic and other operations of its institution on delegation from the Board of Governors.
Board of Governors
Jim W. Phillips, Jr., Chairman
J. Craig Souza, Vice Chair |
Patsy B. Perry, Secretary |
Class of 2009
Bradley T. Adcock |
Peaches Gunter Blank |
Laura W. Buffaloe |
Phillip R. Dixon |
Ray S. Farris |
Dudley E. Flood |
Hannah D. Gage |
H. Frank Grainger |
Charles H. Mercer, Jr. |
Fred G. Mills |
Jim W. Phillips, Jr. |
Irvin A. Roseman |
William G. Smith |
J. Craig Souza |
J. Bradley Wilson |
David W. Young |
Class of 2011
Board of Governor’s members are not known at this time.
Members Emeriti
Ex Officio
Officers of the University of North Carolina
Erskine B. Bowles |
Harold Martin |
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Alan R. Mabe |
Vice President for Academic Planning and University School Programs
vacant |
Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs
Jeffrey R. Davies |
Chief of Staff
Robyn R. Render |
Vice President for Information Resources and CIO
Leslie J. Winner |
Vice President and General Counsel
Robert O. Nelson |
Vice President for Finance
Kimrey Rhinehardt |
Vice President for Federal Relations
Lee Andrew (Andy) Willis |
Vice President for Government Relations
Bart Corgnati |
Secretary of the University
Western Carolina University
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Western Carolina University was founded in August 1889 as a semi-public school. Chartered as Cullowhee High School in 1891, it served the Cullowhee community and boarding students from neighboring counties and other states.
For Professor Robert Lee Madison, the institution’s founder, the aim of the school was teacher training. In 1893, with the first state appropriation of $1,500, a normal department was established. In 1905, the institution became Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School, a title it held for twenty years.
Beginning about 1912, the status of the school was gradually raised to that of a two-year normal school or junior college. With state support increasing and work at the secondary level discontinued, the name of the school was changed in 1925 to Cullowhee State Normal School.
In 1929, under a new charter authorizing the school to extend its work to the four-year level, the name Western Carolina Teachers College was adopted. Modifications in function and rapid growth climaxed in 1951 with the addition of the postgraduate year to the curriculum, and the granting of the Master of Arts in Education degree was authorized. Demands in the liberal arts, and for programs in other areas of learning, led to an expansion of its offerings and to a further change, in 1953, to the name Western Carolina College.
In 1967, the institution was designated a regional university by the North Carolina General Assembly and the name of the institution was changed to Western Carolina University.
In 1971, the state legislature reorganized higher education in North Carolina, and on July 1, 1972, Western Carolina University became a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina.
In 1996, Western Carolina University was approved by the University of North Carolina-General Administration and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to offer the Doctoral degree in education.
Board of Trustees
SteveWarren, Chair |
Joan MacNeill, Vice Chair |
Genevieve W. Burda, Secretary |
Mars Hill
Class of 2009 |
Genevieve W. Burda |
Mars Hill
Rick Carlisle |
Teena Little |
Southern Pines
Joan MacNeill |
Stephen Metcalf |
William Ted Phillips Jr. |
Class of 2011 |
Board of Trustees members are not known at this time. |
Ex Officio |
Cody Grasty |
Former Trustee (2002-2003) |
Mr. Joe Crocker, Former Chair |
Administrative Officers
Office of the Chancellor
John W. Bardo, Ph.D. |
Dianne G. Lynch, M.S. |
Chief of Staff
Richard L. Kucharski, J.D. |
Legal Counsel
Mary Ann Lochner, J.D. |
Associate Legal Counsel
Raymond Barclay, M.Div. |
Director, Institutional Research and Planning
Robert Edwards, B.S.B.A. |
Internal Auditor
Lisa Gaetano, B.S. |
Associate Internal Auditor
Office of Intercollegiate Athletics
Joseph “Chip” Smith, M.A. |
Director of Athletics
Frederick Q. Cantler, B.S. |
Senior Associate Athletics Director/Compliance Coordinator
Lewis Kent Briggs, M.A.Ed.. |
Head Football Coach
Andrew A. O’Daniel, M.Ed. |
Assistant Football Coach
Brian Rucker, B.S. |
Assistant Football Coach
Donald W. Powers, M.A.Ed. |
Defensive Coordinator/Assistant Football Coach
Douglas Kenn Malone, M.S. |
Offensive Coordinator Assistant Footfall Coach
Myron Justin Jackson, M.S. |
Assistant Football Coach
Joseph Lamont Seward, B.S. |
Assistant Football Coach
David H. Napert, M.A.Ed. |
Assistant Football Coach
John W. Scott, Jr., M.A.Ed. |
Assistant Football Coach
Todd Anthony Raleigh, M.A.Ed. |
Head Baseball Coach
Bradley LeCroy, B.A. |
Assistant Basball Coach
Eric M. Filipek, B.S. |
Assistant Baseball Coach
Kellie Jolly Harper, B.S. |
Head Women’s Basketball Coach
L’Tona Michelle Lamonte, M.S |
Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach
Stephanie A. McCormick, B.A. |
Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach
Dustin S. Ford, B.S. |
Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
Charles R. Woollum Jr., B.S.
Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
Anquell McCollum, B.S. |
Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
Larry E. Hunter, M.S. |
Head Men’s Basketball Coach
Jennifer M. Brown, Ph.D. |
Senior Woman Administrator
Bradley James LeCroy, B.S. |
Assistant Baseball Coach
Christine E. Hornak, B.A. |
Head Softball Coach
Martha S. McCall, B.A. |
Assistant Softball Coach
Jaysen Spencer, M.A. |
Assistant Director, Academic Support and Services
Stephen P. Lott |
Women’s Golf Coach
Gorham Bradley, B.S. |
Men’s Golf Coach
Tammy L. DeCesare, M.Ed. |
Head Soccer Coach
Chad D. Miller, B.S. |
Assistant Women’s Soccer Coach
Danny Williamson, M.A.Ed. |
Head Men’s and Women’s Track and Cross Country Coach
Brandy R. Venable, M.S. |
Assistant Men’s and Women’s Track and Cross Country Coach
Stephanie C. Dragan, B.A. |
Head Women’s Volleyball Coach
Allison Magnar, B.S. |
Assistant Volleyball Coach
Jan Stubbs, B.S. |
Head Women’s Tennis Coach
Brian C. Burton, B.A. |
Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coordinator
Robert Myles Christian, B.S. |
Interim Head Strength and Conditioning Coach
Steven G. Honbarger, M.Ed. |
Head Athletics Trainer
Brian M. Cramer, M.S. |
Assistant Athletics Trainer
Edrian J. Hairston, M.S. |
Assistant Athletics Trainer
Lynette K. Mount, M.S. |
Assistant Athletics Trainer
Michael A. Taylor |
Athletics Equipment Manager
Tracy Linville, B.S. |
Ticket Manager/Assistant Director of Marketing
Cheryl K. Plemmons, B.S.B.A. |
Business Manager
Denise Gideon, M .S. |
Assistant Director for Media Relations
Daniel Keith Hooker , B.S. |
Assistant Athletic Director for Media Relations
Meredith LeCroy, M.A. |
Director of Marketing and Promotions
Ann Brett Gillespie- Strickland, M.Ed. |
Assistant Athletic Director for Corporate Sponsorships
Office of Public Relations
Leila Tvedt, M.A. |
Associate Vice Chancellor
William J. Studenc Jr., B.A. |
Director, News Services
vacant |
Senior Director, Promotions & Marketing
Rubae Sander |
Publications Director
Office of Development
vacant |
Associate Vice Chancellor
A. James Manring, M.B.A. |
Senior Director of Development
Terri F. McDermot, M.Ed., M.A. |
Director, Major Gifts
William A. Richter, M.S. |
Director, Athletic Development and Catamount Club
Brett Woods, M.L.A. |
Director, Annual and Special Gifts
Office of Advancement and External Affairs
Clifton B. Metcalf, B.A. |
Vice Chancellor
Zeta Smith, B.F.A. |
Assistant to the VC and Coordinator, Special Events
Lila Buchanan, B.S. |
Administrative Officer
Debbie Higdon, B.S.B.A. |
Director, Advancement Research
Martin A. Ramsey, B.S.B.A. |
Director, Alumni Affairs
Office of the Provost
Kyle R. Carter, Ph.D. |
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Fred D. Hinson, Ph.D. |
Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management
Beth Tyson Lofquist, Ph.D. |
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
AJ Grube, Ph.D. |
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Melissa Wargo, M.A. |
Director of Assessment
Academic Officers
Ann P. Johnson, Ed.D. |
Interim Dean, College of Applied Sciences
Ronald D. Hunter, Ph.D. |
Interim Associate Dean, College of Applied Sciences
Robert Kehrberg, Ph.D. |
Interim Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
David J. Butcher, Ph.D. |
Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
N. Leroy Kauffman, Ph.D. |
Dean, College of Business
Debasish Banerjee, Ph.D. |
Associate Dean, College of Business
Patricia Brown, Ph.D. |
Dean, Educational Outreach
Regis Gilman, Ed.D. |
Associate Dean, Educational Outreach
A. Michael Dougherty, Ph.D. |
Dean, College of Education and Allied Professions
C. Dale Carpenter, Ph.D. |
Associate Dean, College of Education and Allied Professions
Brian E. Railsback, Ph.D. |
Dean, Honors College
Steve Carlisle, Ph.D. |
Associate Dean, Honors College
Lois Mwaniki, Ph.D. |
Director, International Programs and Services
Scott Higgins, Ph.D. |
Dean, Graduate School and Reseach Administration
Gibbs Knotts, Ph.D. |
Associate Dean, Graduate School and Reseach Administration
Bil M. Stahl, M.S.L.S. |
Associate Provost for Information Services and University Librarian
Academic Development
Fred Hinson, Ph.D. |
Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management
Anna McFadden, Ph.D. |
Director, Myron L. Coulter Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Office of Enrollment Management
Margaret Sill Ashe, CAS |
Director, Career Services and Cooperative Education
Fred D. Hinson, Ph.D. |
Senior Associate Vice Chancellor, Enrollment Management
Alan Kines, M.E. |
Director, Admissions
Nancy B. Dillard, M.P.M. |
Director, Financial Aid
Larry Hammer, M.S. |
University Registrar
Larry Hammer, M.S. |
Coordinator, Information Systems
Carol M. Mellen, M.A.Ed. |
Director, Student Support Services
Tammy G. Haskett, B.S.B.A. |
Director, Orientation Programs
Allen Lomax, Ed.D. |
Director, Academic Advising Center
Office of Institutional Research and Planning |
Raymond Barclay, M.Div. |
Keith Stiles, M.B.A., M.A. |
Planning and IR Analyst
Kay Turpin, M.S. |
Applications Programmer
Vacant |
Social Research Associate
Program Administration
Barbara H. Bell, Ph.D. |
Director, Reading Center
Beverly Jacobs, Ph.D. |
Director, Speech and Hearing Center
Barbara Hardie, M.S.A. |
Director, Writing Center
Kim Elliott Carpenter, Ed.S. |
Director, Office for Rural Education
M. Elaine Franklin, Ph.D. |
Director, Center for Mathematics and Science Education
Burton B. Fox, Ed.D. |
Director, Caribbean and Latin American Programs
Patricia L. Miller, M.A.Ed. |
Director, WCU Programs in Asheville
Roseanna S. Belt, Ed.M. |
Director, Cherokee Center
Jane Minor, M.Ed. |
Director, Developmental Evaluation Center
vacant. |
Director, Mountain Aquaculture Research Center
Mary D. McDuffie, Ed.D. |
Director, N.C. Center for the Advancement of Teaching
Division of Administration and Finance
George W. Wooten, M.A. |
Vice Chancellor
Jeanine S. Newman, B.A. |
Associate Vice Chancellor
Joseph H. Walker III, B.S. |
Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management
Pamela D. DeGraffenreid, B.S.B.A. |
Manager, Book Store
Rick Nicholson, B.A. |
Director, Auxiliary Services
Tom Johnson, M.S. |
Director, University Police
Arthur Stephens, M.B.A. |
Director, Purchasing
Kathy S. Wong, B.A. |
Director, Human Resources
Michelle Crowe, B.S. (ARAMARK) |
Director, Dining Services
Bobby Justice, M.B.A. |
University Controller
Office of Regional Affairs
Thomas E. McClure, J.D. |
Institute for Economy and Future
Alan Thornburg, J.D. |
Interim Director
Jay A. Denton, B.S. |
Director, Economic Development Administration
Jeffrey M. Zelenka, B.S. |
Director of Finance Administration and Sponsored Programs
Fujia Lu, Ph.D. |
Director of Polling and Research
Thomas Fouts, |
Director, Smoky Mountain Development Corporation
Nell Leatherwood, B.A. |
Director, Western North Carolina Tomorrow
Mountain Heritage Center
Scott Philyaw, Ph.D. |
Director, Curator
Peter G. Koch, M.A. |
Museum Educator
Student Affairs Office
Robert Caruso, Ph.D. |
Vice Chancellor
William K. Haggard, Ed.D. |
Associate Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs and Dean for Student Development
Jane M. Adams-Dunford, M.B.S. |
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs
Keith L. Corzine, B.S.B.A. |
Director, Residential Living
Bart H. Andrus, M.S. |
Associate Director, Leadership Programs
William L. Clarke Jr., M.A.Ed. |
Director, Ramsey Regional Activity Center
Sherry W. Brendle, A.A.. |
Interim Director, Kneedler Child Development Center
Jeff Hughes, M.P.A. |
Acting Director, University Center
Glenn A. Bowen, Ph.D. |
Director, Service Learning
Michael Jorge, Ph.D. |
Director, University Health Center
John R. Ritchie, Ph.D. |
Director, Counseling Center
Sara J. Stoltenburg, M.S. |
Director, Women’s Programs and Women’s Center
Debra F. Schwartz, M.A. |
Director, Intramural Sports
Karen D. Walter, M.A.Ed. |
Director, Fitness Center
Todd Murdock, M.A.Ed. |
Director, Talent Search
Ronald P. Huff, M.S. |
Director, Upward Bound/Math/Science
Tanisha L. Jenkins, M.Ed. |
Director of Multicultural Affairs and Multicultural Center
Jacquelyn C. McHargue, M.Ed. |
Director, Student Judicial Affairs
Ronda M. Bryant, Ph.D. |
Director, Enrollment Support
North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching
Mary D. McDuffie, Ed.D. |
Executive Director
Kay S. Shapiro, Ed.S. |
Associate Director
John F. Chappo, M.A. |
Center Fellow
Judith E. Clauss, Ph.D. |
Associate Director
Renee H. Coward, Ed.S. |
Assistant Director for Programming
Mary Kay Cooley, B.S. |
Center Fellow
Jane E. Dalton, MFA |
Center Fellow
Carmaletta Gates, M.A. |
Center Fellow
Cynthia B. Gray, Ph.D. |
Center Fellow
Ernest Johnson, Ph.D. |
Center Fellow
Jonathan D. Wade, Ph.D. |
Center Fellow
Donna Glee Williams, Ph.D. |
Center Fellow
Henry D. Wong, Ph.D. |
Center Fellow
David Lilly, MBA |
Director of Development
Christin M. McCarley, M.A. |
Coordinator, Public Information