Major Requirements
Major Requirements
Students who declare the Engineering Technology major (Applied Systems Technology concentration) may be admitted to the program if they place into Precalculus II (MATH 146) or above. Admission to the major is competitive. Students who are not admitted to a program in the School of Engineering + Technology may be placed in Undeclared-Intended-Engineering. Refer to the school website for application details and deadlines.
To continue in the Engineering Technology major (Applied Systems Technology concentration), students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3 in the major. Students may be removed from the Engineering Technology major (Applied Systems Technology concentration) and placed in Undeclared-Intended-Engineering if they earn more than two of the following grades in the major: U, W, and C- or lower. For more details, contact the School of Engineering + Technology.
Major GPA requirement to graduate: 2.3
Declaration of a major in Undeclared-Intended-Engineering does not guarantee admission into the Engineering Technology major (Applied Systems Technology concentration). Students must formally apply and be admitted into the Engineering Technology program before being allowed to register in any courses in the program. Admission to the Engineering Technology program is competitive.
Students in Undeclared-Intended-Engineering cannot remain in the major after completing more than 45 credit hours.
Admission for Undeclared-Intended-Engineering and Change-of-Major students
Admission to the Engineering Technology program is competitive. The preferred requirement for admission is a cumulative GPA of 3.00 (from all previous undergraduate courses).
When do students apply? To be considered for admission to Engineering Technology, Undeclared-Intended-Engineering and Change-of-Major students can apply as soon as they are placed in Precalculus II (MATH 146). Applications from students in Undeclared-Intended-Engineering or other majors are accepted twice per year. Refer to the school website for application details and deadlines.
In addition to the cumulative GPA, other credentials such as High School GPA, standardized test scores, AP credit, participation in mentoring programs, prior technical experiences, career plans, etc. will be considered.
Admission for Transfer students
Admission to the Engineering Technology program is competitive. The preferred requirement for admission for transfer students is a cumulative GPA of 3.00 (from all previous undergraduate courses).
When do students apply? Transfer students may be considered for the Engineering Technology major (Applied Systems Technology concentration) if they are placed in Precalculus II (MATH 146) or above. Applications from transfer students are accepted twice per year. Refer to the school website for application details and deadlines.
In addition to the cumulative GPA, other credentials such as High School GPA, standardized test scores, AP credit, participation in mentoring programs, prior technical experiences, career plans, etc. will be considered.
The major requires 95 credits, 12 of which (ENGR 199, MATH 153, CHEM 139, and PHYS 130) also meet the Liberal Studies requirements: