Feb 10, 2025
ARCHIVED 2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
What’s New!
Curriculum and course changes for the 2022-2023 Academic Year.
College of Arts and Sciences
| | | | - Philosophy (Concentration in Philosophy), BA
| - Philosophy (Concentration in Religion), BA
| Minors
- Cherokee Studies (Interdisciplinary), Minor
| | | | - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Minor
| | | - Professional Writing, Minor
| | Courses
- ANTH 110 - Introduction to Archaeology Credits: 3
- ANTH 120 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Credits: 3
- ANTH 190 - Anthropology, Hoaxes, and Pseudoscience Credits: 3
- ANTH 251 - Introduction to Forensic Anthropology Credits: 3
- ANTH 300 - Human Osteology Credits: 3
- ANTH 327 - Economic Anthropology Credits: 3
- ANTH 349 - Engaged Anthropology Credits: 3
- ANTH 351 - Environmental Anthropology Credits: 3
- ANTH 361 - World Archaeology Credits: 3
- ANTH 362 - Southeastern Archaeology Credits: 3
- ANTH 363 - Evolutionary Anthropology Credits: 3
- ANTH 365 - Religion, Magic, Myth Credits: 3
- ANTH 368 - Bioarchaeology Credits: 3
- ANTH 370 - Human Biological Variation Credits: 3
- ANTH 379 - Cherokee Arts Credits: 3
- ANTH 401 - Skeletal Trauma Analysis Credits: 3
- ANTH 403 - Taphonomy Credits: 3
- ANTH 417 - Giduwagi-Appalachia Historical Ecology Credits: 3
- ANTH 419 - Families and Households Credits: 3
- ANTH 431 - North American Archaeology Credits: 3
- ANTH 461 - Indigenous Cultures of North America Credits: 3
- ANTH 473 - Contemporary Cherokee Culture and Society Credits: 3
- ANTH 486 - Field Methods in Forensic Archaeology Credits: 6
- BIOL 361 - Principles of Biochemistry Credits: 3
- CHEM 232 - Quantitative Analysis Credits: 4
- CHEM 321 - Inorganic Chemistry Credits: 3
- CHEM 352 - Physical Chemistry: Chemical Thermodynamics Credits: 3
- CHEM 435 - Instrumental Analysis II Credits: 3
- CHEM 450 - Advanced Biochemistry Credits: 3
- CHEM 453 - Physical Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy Credits: 3
- CHEM 454 - Computer Interfacing Credits: 3
- CHEM 455 - Chemometrics Credits: 3
- CHEM 462 - Molecular Bioinformatics Credits: 3
- CHEM 464 - Genomics Credits: 3
- CHEM 475 - Biochemistry Laboratory Credits: 1
- COMM 400 - Crisis Communications Credits: 3
- COMM 460 - Public Relations Campaigns Credits: 3
- CS 260 - Computer Organization Credits: 3
- CS 364 - Software Engineering Credits: 3
- CS 452 - Advanced Computer Architecture Credits: 3
- ENGL 415 - Applied Linguistics Credits: 3
- ENGL 450 - Seminar in English Studies Credits: 3, R6
- ENGL 474 - Literary Theory Credits: 3
- ENGL 475 - Modernism and the Little Magazine Credits: 3
- ENGL 477 - Literature, Gender, and Culture Credits: 3
- FREN 101 - Beginning French I Credits: 3
- FREN 102 - Beginning French II Credits: 3
- GEOL 151 - Earth: Geology, Resources, Hazards, and Environment Credits: 3
- GEOL 250 - Earth Materials Credits: 4
- GEOL 302 - Geomorphology Credits: 4
- GEOL 305 - Soils and Hydrology Credits: 4
- GEOL 371 - Structural Geology Credits: 4
- GEOL 422 - Sedimentation and Stratigraphy Credits: 4
- JPN 393 - Special Topics in Japanese Credits: 3, R12
- PAR 304 - Ancient Greek and Roman Thought Credits: 3
- PAR 307 - Existentialism and Beyond Credits: 3
- PAR 310 - Philosophy of Art Credits: 3
- PAR 333 - Environmental and Animal Ethics Credits: 3
- PHYS 454 - Computer Interfacing Credits: 3
- SCI 491 - Supervised Student Teaching in the Sciences, 9-12 Credits: 3
- SOC 103 - Human Society Credits: 3
- SOC 240 - Social Change Credits: 3
- SOC 245 - Social Inequality Credits: 3
- SOC 255 - Population and Society Credits: 3
- SOC 342 - The Individual in Society Credits: 3
- SOC 365 - Sociology of the Family Credits: 3
- SOC 371 - Environmental Sociology Credits: 3
- SOC 373 - Globalization Credits: 3
- SOC 410 - Sociology of Aging Credits: 3
- SOC 448 - Social Movements Credits: 3
- SPAN 101 - Beginning Spanish I Credits: 3
- SPAN 102 - Beginning Spanish II Credits: 3
College of Education and Allied Professions
College of Engineering and Technology
David Orr Belcher College of Fine and Performing Arts
- Art, BFA with an Emphasis in Art Education
| | College of Health and Human Sciences
- Emergency Medical Care, BS
| - Integrated Health Sciences