Sep 23, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2005-2006 Graduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2005-2006 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Description Information

Click on a link to be taken to the entry below.


Credits and Class Meetings. Unless specifically indicated at the end of the course description, the number of hours a class meets each week is the same as the credit-hour value of the course. The credit-hour value of each course is indicated in parentheses immediately following the title of the course. For example, if three hours of credit may be earned, the credit is indicated as follows: (3). In variable credit courses, the minimum and maximum hours are shown as follows: (1-3). Unless repeat credit is specified in the course description, a course may be applied only once toward the hours required for graduation. The availability of a course for repeat credit and the maximum hours that may be earned are indicated within the parentheses and immediately following the credit-hour value of the course, as follows: (3, R6). In this example, the course carries three hours of credit and may be repeated once for a maximum of six hours applicable toward a degree.

Prerequisites and Corequisites. A prerequisite (PREQ) is any special requirement, usually one or more background courses or requirements, in addition to class rank, which a student must meet before enrolling in a course specifying the prerequisite. A corequisite (COREQ) is any course in which a student must enroll simultaneously with the course specifying the corequisite.

Departmental and Course Prefixes. The prefixes used to designate departments and courses, except in the case of very short names such as Art, are abbreviations of the names of departments or of fields of study within the departments.

Independent Study. Independent study courses are offered by several departments at Western Carolina University. The content and criteria for each course is determined by each academic department. Credit for these courses range from 1 to 6 semester hours credit as determined by the department.

Special Topics Course Policy. Courses numbered 593, 594, 693 or 694 are for special topics that reflect a student’s or faculty member’s special interest not covered by regular departmental curriculum offerings. Credit in these courses varies from one to four credit hours, to be determined by the department for each offering. Students may take up to 12 hours of special topic credit in a single department/program. A particular topic course can be taught at most two times in a five-year period. If a department/program wishes to teach a particular topic course more than twice in a five year period, it must propose the course as a regular course, subject to the curriculum review process.

Guide to Course Prefixes



Prefix   Field of Study   Department
ACCT   Accounting   Accountancy, Finance, and Entrepreneurship
ANTH   Anthropology   Anthropology and Sociology
ART   Art   Art
ASI   Arts and Sciences Interdisciplinary   College of Arts and Sciences
AST   Astronomy   Chemistry and Physics
BA   Business Administration   College of Business
BIOL   Biology   Biology
CHEM   Chemistry   Chemistry and Physics
CIS   Computer Information Systems   Business Computer Information Systems and Economics
CJ   Criminal Justice   Criminal Justice
CM   Construction Management   Engineering and Technology
CMEM   Electronic Media   Communication, Theatre, and Dance
CMHC   Human Communication   Communication, Theatre, and Dance
CMPM   Print Media   Communication, Theatre, and Dance
CMPR   Public Relations   Communication, Theatre, and Dance
CMTA   Theatre Arts   Communication, Theatre, and Dance
COUN   Counseling   Human Services
CS   Computer Science   Mathematics and Computer Science
CSD   Communication Sciences and Disorders   Human Services
CSP   College Student Personnel   Educational Leadership and Foundations
ECON   Economics   Business Computer Information Systems and Economics
EDCI   Curriculum, Research, and Foundations   Educational Leadership and Foundations
EDEL   Elementary Education   B-K, Elementary and Middle Grades Education
EDHE   Higher Education   Educational Leadership and Foundations
EDL   Educational Leadership   Educational Leadership and Foundations
EDMG   Middle Grades Education   B-K, Elementary and Middle Grades Education
EDPY   Education and Psychology   College of Education and Allied Professions
EDRD   Reading   B-K, Elementary and Middle Grades Education
EDSU   Educational Supervision   Educational Leadership and Foundations
ENGL   English   English
ENT   Entrepreneurship   Accountancy, Finance, and Entrepreneurship
ENVH   Environmental Health   Health Sciences
ET   Engineering Technology   Engineering and Technology
FIN   Finance   Accountancy, Finance, and Entrepreneurship
GEOG   Geography   Geosciences and Natural Resources Mgt.
GEOL   Geology   Geosciences and Natural Resources Mgt.
GERN   Gerontology   College of Applied Sciences
HIST   History   History
HR   Human Resources   Human Services
IBUS   International Business   Management and International Business
LAW   Business Law   Marketing and Business Law
MATH   Mathematics   Mathematics and Computer Science
M.B.A.   Master of Business Administration   College of Business
MET   Manufacturing Engineering Technology   Engineering and Technology
MGT   Management   Management and International Business
MHS   Health Sciences   Health Sciences
MKT   Marketing   Marketing and Business Law
MUS   Music   Music
ND   Nutrition and Dietetics   Health Sciences
NSG   Nursing   Nursing
PA   Public Affairs   Political Science and Public Affairs
PAR   Philosophy and Religion   Philosophy and Religion
PE   Physical Education   Health and Human Performance
PHYS   Physics   Chemistry and Physics
PM   Project Management   Management and International Business
PRM   Parks and Recreation Management   Health and Human Performance
PSC   Political Science   Political Science and Public Affairs
PSY   Psychology   Psychology
PT   Physical Therapy   Physical Therapy
SCI   Science Education   Chemistry and Physics
SOC   Sociology   Anthropology and Sociology
SOCW   Social Work   Social Work
SPED   Special Education
Mental Retardation
Behavioral Disorders
Learning Disabilities
Severe & Profound Disabilities
  Human Services
USI   University Studies Interdisciplinary   Academic Affairs