Sep 23, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2013-2014 Graduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2013-2014 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Courses



  • PSY 652 - Advanced Research Methods: Design and Communication

    Experimental designs, literature review, scientific writing styles, planning, writing; research proposal, statistical analysis of data; computer applications; scientific ethics and standards. 2 Lecture 1 Lab.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: 651.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 661 - Psychological Assessment I

     Includes the development of basic foundational skills;  the administration, scoring and interpretation of major intellectual, academic, and social-emotional measurements; and professional ethics related to assessment.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Admission to graduate program in clinical or school psychology.

    Credits: 4
  • PSY 662 - Personality Assessment

    Major techniques of objective personality assessment; emphasis on administration, scoring, and interpretation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 663 - Assessment and Intervention with Preschool Children

    Administration, scoring, and interpretation of assessment scales for children from infancy through childhood; planning and implementation of intervention programs.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: 624 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 664 - Psychological Assessment II

    Training in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of ancillary psychological assessment instruments not covered in PSY 661. These instruments include cognitive, educational, and adaptive measures.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: 661 and/or admission into school or clinical psychology program.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 671 - Advanced Psychopathology

    Clinical and experimental approaches; classification, etiology, and modification of deviant behavior.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 672 - Empirically Based Treatments

    The major theoretical perspectives in psychotherapy and their applications, focusing on evidence-based interventions; multi-cultural perspectives; professional ethics and standards related to service delivery.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Admission to the graduate program in clinical psychology.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 673 - Professional Issues

    Models of practice in school psychology; social, ethical, and legal issues; interdisciplinary focus of training and professional roles; problems of the professional practice of psychology in school and community settings.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 674 - Advanced Child Psychopathology

    In depth examination of childhood psychopathology; etiology, characteristics and comprehensive assessment; treatment and intervention with childhood disorders.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Admission to graduate program in school or clinical psychology or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 675 - Cognitive Behavioral Interventions

    Cognitive and behavioral intervention techniques and their application in school and clinical settings.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Admission to graduate program.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 676 - Psychotherapy II: Techniques

    Issues and techniques of psychotherapy and their application.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Admission to clinical psychology graduate program.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 677 - Group Psychotherapy

    Theory and practice of group psychotherapy; supervised problems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Admission to psychology graduate program.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 678 - Family Systems

    Theory and research in dynamics of family systems; ecological models.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 679 - Survey of Clinical Psychology

    Survey of the major topics and issues in clinical psychology.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Admission to the graduate program in clinical psychology.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 680 - Directed Study in Psychology


    Credits: 3, R9
  • PSY 683 - Internship in Psychology

    Six-month, full-time or nine-month, part-time internship in a clinical or school setting. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Both sections of PSY 686 with a grade of B or better.

    Credits: (6)
  • PSY 684 - Internship in Psychology

    Six-month, full-time or nine-month, part-time internship in a clinical or school setting. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Both sections of PSY 686 with a grade of B or better.

    Credits: (6)
  • PSY 686 - Practicum

    Application of psychological theory in the educational setting; observation of practices of school psychologists; participation in school psychological services under field and university supervision.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: 673.

    Credits: 1-4, R12
  • PSY 693 - Topics in Psychology

    Topics in Psychology

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3, R9
  • PSY 695 - Advanced Professional Issues

    In-depth exploration of current educational issues and the role of school psychologists as change agents in school settings.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Admission to graduate program in school psychology or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 697 - Seminar: Behavioral/Emotional Evaluation of Children and Adolescents

    Major techniques of objective and projective personality assessment with children and adolescents; focus on theory, administration, scoring, interpretation, and report writing.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Admission to psychology graduate program.

    Credits: 3
  • PSY 699 - Thesis

    S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: 651 and 652.

    Credits: 3, R6
  • PSY 799 - Continuing Research—Thesis Option

    See Policy on Completion of Thesis and Dissertation found in the Admissions and Degree Requirements Section of the Graduate Catalog. S/U grading. These hours will not count toward fulfilling degree requirements.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Student must be enrolled in a thesis program.

    Credits: 2, R24

Public Affairs

  • PA 521 - Political and Organizational Leadership

    Concepts and processes of leadership as related to political and public organizations.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: 6 hours of political science or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 571 - Government–Business Relations

    Interrelationships between government and business in the free enterprise system; regulatory role of government; constitutional framework of antitrust laws, public utilities, taxation, and labor legislation.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 572 - Public Policy Formulation

    The policy-making process in its political context; models of policy development applied to selected issues.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 575 - Conflict Management in the Public Sector

    The course discusses conflict management techniques for public disputes and conflicts encountered by public and non-profit leaders.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 580 - Readings in Public Affairs

    Readings in Public Affairs

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Permission of MPA Director.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 640 - Environmental Politics and Policy

    This course profiles the environmental movement in the United States and evaluates tradeoffs between environmental preservation and economic development.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 650 - The Nonprofit Sector

    This course examines the history of the nonprofit sector in America and presents challenges facing contemporary nonprofits.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 655 - Grant-Writing for Public Affairs

    An applied introduction to grants and grant-writing in government and nonprofit organizations.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 665 - Performance Measurement

    This course explores the theoretical foundations and practical applications of performance measurement and management techniques.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 669 - Legal Issues in Public Affairs

    The institutional design and procedures used by administrative agencies to implement policy. Topics include rulemaking, adjudication, enforcement activities, judicial review, and legislative and executive control.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 670 - Public Affairs Administration

    The place of public affairs administration and the role of the administrator in the American system of government.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 671 - Public Financial Management

    Budgetary practices and processes at the federal, state, and local levels; roles of professionals and elected officials; budgetary problems, planning, and reform.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 672 - Public Organizational Theory

    Analysis of the theories that have shaped and influenced governmental organizations along with application of the theories in the public and non-profit sector.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 673 - Public Policy Analysis

    Bureaucratic decision making and theories of analyzing and explaining public policy.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 674 - Research Methods for Public Affairs

    Research design, philosophy of social science, and univariate and multivariate statistics.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 675 - State and Local Governance

    Political and governmental processes at the state and local level.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 676 - Government and Press Relations

    Why and how politicians and public administrators use the press to generate public support for policy decisions and to influence public perceptions: media strategies will be studied.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 677 - Public Personnel Management

    Working knowledge of key functions and activities in public personnel management and awareness of the legal basis for the public human resources function.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 678 - Local Government Management

    Examine the environment of public management including local government structure, fiscal management and the roles of principal officials and local legislative process.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 679 - The Practice of Government Planning

    This course examines theory, concepts, techniques and procedures in the practice of planning.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 685 - Internship in Public Affairs


    Credits: 3, R6
  • PA 693 - Topics in Public Affairs

    Topics in Public Affairs

    Credits: 3, R9
  • PA 699 - Public Affairs Capstone Experience

    Students will work on a capstone research project that will address a real problem in local government or nonprofit administration in the region.

    Credits: 3
  • PA 779 - Continuing Research—Non-Thesis Option

    See Policy on Completion of Thesis and Dissertation found in the Admissions and Degree Requirements Section of the Graduate Catalog. S/U grading. These hours will not count toward fulfilling degree requirements.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Must NOT be enrolled in a thesis program.

    Credits: 1, R10
  • PA 793 - Advanced Topics in Public Affairs


    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ:  Permission of instructor and student’s graduate program advisor.

    Credits: 3, R9


  • EDRD 543 - Middle Grades Reading

    Methods and materials for teaching reading and other communication skills in the middle grades; emphasis on organization for instruction, word identification and comparison skills, and reading in content materials.

    Credits: 3
  • EDRD 553 - High School and Adult Reading

    Methods and materials for teaching reading in high school and adult education programs. 3 Lecture 2 Lab.

    Credits: 3
  • EDRD 574 - Practicum in Teaching Reading

    Assessment and remediation of reading problems and strategies for teaching reading. 2 Lecture 2 Lab.

    Credits: 3
  • EDRD 620 - Word Study

    Word study for spelling, phonics, and vocabulary instruction.

    Credits: 3
  • EDRD 631 - Intensive Study of Writing

    Writing instruction across the curriculum.

    Credits: 3, R9
  • EDRD 651 - Clinical Procedures in Remedial Reading

    Evaluation and diagnosis of severe reading problems; supervised practicum.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: 573.

    Credits: 3
  • EDRD 740 - Reading Research Projects

    Initiating, conducting, and analyzing a research project. 2 Lecture 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: G license in reading and permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3

Science and Entrepreneurship

  • SAE 689 - Industrial Internship for the Masters of Science degree in Science and Entreprenuership

    Students will do an industrial internship.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ:  Permission of the program director.

    Credits: 3

Science Education

  • SCI 512 - Advanced Science Methods

    Current and innovative methods for teaching secondary science. Emphasis on the inquiry-based approach and new instructional technologies.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Admission to the M.A.T. or M.A.Ed. in Biology or Chemistry or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3, R6
  • SCI 551 - Environmental Science for Teachers

    Materials and techniques for interdisciplinary projects.

    Credits: 3
  • SCI 593 - Topics in Science Education

    Topics in Science Education

    Credits: 1-3, R6
  • SCI 594 - Topics in Science Education

    Topics in Science Education

    Credits: 1-3, R6
  • SCI 611 - Physical and Earth Science for Teachers

    Philosophy and techniques of inquiry teaching; applications using physical and earth science curricular materials.

    Credits: 3
  • SCI 621 - Biology and Environmental Science for Teachers

    Philosophy and techniques of inquiry teaching applied to biological and environmental curricular materials.

    Credits: 3
  • SCI 695 - Seminar in Science Education

    Trends, issues, and research problems in science education.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • SCI 696 - Seminar in Science Education

    Trends, issues, and research problems in science education.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3

Social Work

  • SOCW 504 - Diversity

    Diversity of culture, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation, and gender.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Acceptance into the MSW program

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 510 - Social Work With Groups

    Knowledge, skills, and values that underlie contemporary social work practice with groups.

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 515 - Social Work and Mental Health

    The mental health system, issues, history, common diagnoses, emphasis on the strengths perspective.


    Credits: (3)

  • SOCW 520 - Addictions

    Overview of complex issues related to addictions, including drug, alcohol, gambling, and eating addictions; examines addiction within the context of developmental life stages and culture.

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 522 - Methods of Substance Abuse Treatment

    Methods course that teaches knowledge and skills needed to work effectively in a variety of clinical settings specific to substance abuse.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: SOCW 520 or COUN 617.

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 524 - Cultural Competence in Substance Abuse Practice

    Overview of unique problems and needs related to substance abuse treatment among diverse populations; application of culturally sensitive intervention strategies.

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 525 - Science of Addiction

    Biological basis of addiction; physiological and psychological effects of substance abuse.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: SOCW 520 or COUNS 617.

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 526 - Child Welfare

    Child welfare services, public and private programs, children’s rights, and issues affecting services for children and families.

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 527 - Trauma-Informed Social Work with Children

    This course will introduce students to the core concepts (general theory and foundational knowledge), informing evidence-based assessment and intervention for traumatized children and adolescents who are in the child welfare system. Trauma is broadly defined, and includes children and adolescents exposed to traumatic events including, abuse and neglect and witnessing interpersonal crime (e.g. domestic violence), community violence and other traumatic events who have come into contact with he child welfare system. The course will highlight the role of development, culture and empirical evidence in trauma-specific assessment, referral and interventions with children, adolescents and their families within a child welfare context. It will address the level of functioning of primary care giving environments and assess the capacity of the community and the child welfare system to facilitate restorative processes.

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 528 - School Social Work: Policy and Practice

    An examination of public school policy and practice. Current laws, professional standards, program development and evaluation are covered.

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 529 - Social Work With Older Adults

    Concepts and skills for effective practice with the aging; needs and strengths of older people, community resources, professional approaches to intervention.

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 530 - Social Work in the Health Field

    Skills for practice in health care settings.

    Credits: (3)
  • SOCW 534 - Human Behavior in the Social Environment

    Multi-dimensional perspective on human behavior in the social environment and bio-psycho-social development across the life span.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Acceptance into the MSW Program.

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 535 - Research I

    Research methods, problems, issues and designs.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Acceptance into the MSW program

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 545 - International Social Welfare

    Current trends and social issues, problems and solutions in countries around the world.

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 551 - Social Policy

    Overview of social policy analysis, programs, legal implications.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Acceptance into the MSW program

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 553 - Foundations of Social Work Practice

    Overview of social work, methods, fields of practice, advanced generalist practice.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Acceptance to the MSW Program.

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 562 - Direct Practice with Individuals, Families & Groups

    Overview of generalist social work practice and fundamental skills for work with small client systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Acceptance into the MSW program

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 564 - Generalist Practice: Communities and Organizations

    Application of social work knowledge, values and skills to practice:  communities and organizations.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Acceptance into the MSW program

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 586 - Foundations Field Practicum

    Supervised practicum in a social service agency or organization to apply theory and practice knowledge at the foundation level.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Acceptance into the MSW program

    Credits: 6
  • SOCW 594 - Topics in Social Work


    Credits: 1-3, R9
  • SOCW 627 - Advanced Social Work Practice With Individuals, Families and Groups

    Advanced generalist practice skills with individuals, families and groups.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Acceptance into the MSW program

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 635 - Research II

    Advanced research methods in Social Work.

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 653 - Advanced Standing Bridge Course

    Overview of social work principles and skills covered in the professional foundation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Advanced Standing Program

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 664 - Management in Human Service Organizations

    Concepts, principles, values and strategies of management in human service organizations.

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 673 - Rural Community Advocacy

    Social and political advocacy: theories, methods and skills for social work practice in rural areas.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Acceptance into the MSW program

    Credits: 3
  • SOCW 682 - Research Project in Social Work

    Research projects dealing with various fields and methods of social work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Approval of detailed project proposal by instructor.

    Credits: 3, R6
  • SOCW 686 - Advanced Field Practicum and Integrative Seminar I

    Supervised practicum in a social service agency or organization to apply theory and practice knowledge at the advanced level.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    S/U grading. PREQ: Acceptance into the MSW program

    Credits: 6
  • SOCW 687 - Advanced Field Practicum and Integrative Seminar II

    Supervised practicum in a social service agency or organization to apply theory and practice knowledge at the professional level.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    S/U grading.

    Credits: 6


  • SOC 514 - Minority Groups

    Relations between dominant and subordinate races and ethnic groups; historical and comparative aspects; African Americans, Chicanos, and Indians. This course is cross-listed with ANTH 514

    Credits: 3
  • SOC 523 - Sociology of Sport

    Social issues in sports examined from historical, cross-cultural, and sociological perspectives with attention to impact of race, gender, and social class on participation.

    Credits: 3
  • SOC 532 - Community Organization and Development

    Community organization viewed as a process of bringing about desirable changes in community life; community structure, needs assessment, and planning for change.

    Credits: 3
  • SOC 534 - Regional and Societal Development

    Social dimensions of economic growth and development with particular emphasis on Third-World countries; alternative definitions of development; problems related to the implementation of change in national, regional, and institutional structures.

    Credits: 3
  • SOC 554 - Sociology of Conflict and Conflict Resolution

    Analysis of sociological theories of social conflict, including Marx, Weber, Simmel, Coser, Dahrendorf, and Collins; case studies of conflict and conflict resolution stressing the applications of theory and research.

    Credits: 3
  • SOC 580 - Independent Study in Sociology

    Independent Study in Sociology

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Written application; approval of instructor and advisor.

    Credits: 1-2, R6
  • SOC 583 - Internship in Sociology

    Application of theory, methods and techniques in a cooperating agency under faculty supervision. S/U grading. 9 hours per week per course.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3

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