CURRENT 2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Engineering, BS
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Total number of hours for the program: 126.
The BS program provides a foundation in mathematics, sciences, and engineering, augmented with engineering concentrations. Students work with outstanding faculty members who bring industry and business expertise to the classroom. The program emphasizes the hands-on application of theoretical and technical concepts through project-based learning (PBL), and students work on real-world assignments with companies across Western North Carolina, and beyond, through The Rapid Center.
The BS degree is a general engineering degree program with three concentrations (Mechanical, Robotics and Automation, and Civil).
Liberal Studies (42 hours)
Note: Four major courses (12 hours) also meet Liberal Studies requirements: ENGR 199, MATH 153, CHEM 139, PHYS 230. Students are strongly advised to use these courses to meet Liberal Studies requirements. Students should note that if these courses are not taken to meet Liberal Studies requirements, they will still need to be completed for the BS Engineering degree. See Liberal Studies Program Requirements for a list of Liberal Studies courses. Major Requirements
The Engineering major requires 96 hours, 12 of which also meet the Liberal Studies requirements (ENGR 199, MATH 153, CHEM 139, and PHYS 230), 31 hours from the Engineering Core, 36 hours from the Mathematics and Science Core, and 3 hours from Technical Electives. Students must also select a concentration (26 hours): Mechanical, Robotics and Automation, or Civil. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.30 in all major courses is required to earn the Engineering degree. Continuing Student Requirements To continue in the Engineering major, students should maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.30 in courses required by the major. Students may be removed from the Engineering major and placed in Engineering Intended if they earn more than two of the following grades in the major in an academic year: U, W, and C- or lower. For more details, contact the School of Engineering + Technology. Students cannot remain in the Engineering Intended major after completing more than 45 hours. Admission An application is required for all prospective students. The application and admissions process are available on the SET website: set.wcu.edu. Students who are not admitted to a program in the School of Engineering + Technology may be placed in Engineering Intended. The requirements for admission into the Engineering major include placement into Calculus I (MATH 153) or above. Students accepted to the university but not admitted into the Engineering major may be placed in Engineering Intended. Placement in the Engineering Intended major does not guarantee admission into the Engineering degree program. Refer to the school website for application details and deadlines: set.wcu.edu - Admission for Engineering Intended and Change-of-Major students already enrolled at WCU
The requirements for admission into the Engineering major include placement into Calculus I (MATH 153) or above. The preferred requirement for admission is a cumulative GPA of 3.00 in all previous undergraduate courses. Refer to the school website for application details and deadlines: set.wcu.edu - Admission for Transfer Students
The requirements for admission into the Engineering major include placement into Calculus I (MATH 153) or above. The preferred requirement for admission for transfer students is a cumulative GPA of 3.00 (from all previous undergraduate courses at all prior institutions). Refer to the school website for application details and deadlines: set.wcu.edu Engineering Core (31 hours)
Mathematics and Science Core (36 hours)
Note that ENGR 211 is required for students in the Mechanical concentration, RAE 442 is required for students in the Robotic and Automation concentration, and CE 212 is required for students in the Civil concentration. Technical Elective (3 hours)
One course (three credits) of Technical Electives is required. Pick one class from the following list of pre-approved technical electives: Mechanical Concentration (26 hours)
Students in this discipline work in a wide range of fields. As one of the broader areas of engineering, the mechanical concentration will provide students with knowledge of machine design, thermo-fluid systems, and materials. Graduates work in a wide variety of sectors including automotive, aerospace, medical, construction, government, consulting, manufacturing, and management. Robotics and Automation Concentration (26 hours)
Students in this discipline work in a wide range of fields. This concentration will provide students with knowledge of mechanical and electrical systems, robotics, automation, and motion control. Graduates work in a wide variety of sectors including automotive, aerospace, medical, construction, government, consulting, manufacturing, and management. Civil Concentration (26 hours)
This concentration will provide students with knowledge of structures, construction engineering, management, geotechnics, environmental engineering, transportation, water resources, and materials. Graduates work in the public and private sectors on projects including roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and systems for water supply and sewage treatment.
Additional Information
Visit the School’s website, set.wcu.edu, to view the eight-semester curricular guide. Accreditation
Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission(s) of ABET, https://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria. |
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