B.S. Mathematics Accelerated Bachelor’s/Graduate Certificate in Data Science
The Accelerated Bachelor’s/Graduate Certificate option, outlined in detail below, allows students to earn a B.S. Mathematics and complete the Graduate Certificate in Data Science in an accelerated timeframe.
Students eligible for the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Graduate Certificate Program have:
- Completed a minimum of sixty (60) in their undergraduate programs, including credits earned from advanced placement, and
- A minimum accumulated grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 at WCU.
Students may apply for admission to the Graduate School and permission for up to 12 credit hours of graduate level course work during their junior and senior years to count as advanced placement toward their certificate. Such a request must be approved by both the Department Head of the Department Mathematics and Computer Science and the Program Director for the BS Mathematics. They in turn must recommend this course of action to the Graduate School. After the student receives the BS degree and completes admission requirements, he or she may be officially admitted into the Graduate Certificate in Data Science. After admission to the certificate program, the designated courses in which the student earned grades of B or better may be applied towards the requirements of that degree. These courses also count towards the 120 hours needed for the BS degree. Students in any concentration in the B.S. Mathematics may apply.
Students in the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Graduate Certificate may take the following graduate courses to apply toward the B.S. Mathematics:
- MATH 530 Mathematical Modeling for MATH 430
- MATH 541 Introduction to Numerical Analysis for MATH 441
- MATH 550 Linear Optimization for MATH 450
- MATH 562 Linear Algebra II for MATH 462
- MATH 570 Probability and Statistics II for MATH 470
- MATH 572 Data Science for MATH 472
- MATH 574 Introduction to Statistical Models for MATH 474
- MATH 575 Statistical Machine Learning for MATH 475
Students in the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Graduate Certificate may take the following graduate courses to apply toward the B.S. Computer Science:
- CS 572 Artificial Intelligence for CS 472
Students in the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Graduate Certificate may not take MATH 678 until they have completed the B.S.
Visit the department’s website http://math.wcu.edu to view the semester curriculum guide.