Mar 03, 2025  
ARCHIVED 2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Accounting, BSBA

Total number of hours for program: 120.

Note:A student must complete ACCT 351 with a grade of C or better before taking ACCT 352 or ACCT 454.

Liberal Studies Hours (42 hours)

Liberal Studies Program Requirements  

Business Core: 36 hours

Business Core Requirements (36 hours) 

General Electives

To complete 120 hours, students should take 20-26 (number depends on how many Liberal Studies courses also count toward the major). General Electives Credits: 20-26 hours depending on Liberal Studies courses completed. To satisfy general university degree requirements, students must take at least 30 hours at the junior-senior level at WCU.

Curriculum Guide

Visit the department’s website at to view the eight-semester curriculum guide.

Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s (ABM)

Undergraduate accounting majors may take a limited number of Master of Accountancy Program courses during their senior year under WCU’s Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s (ABM) framework once they have met the following admission requirements:

  • The student meets the criteria for the current GMAT waiver policy consisting of a 3.60 GPA overall and a 3.25 GPA in the four prerequisite accounting courses (ACCT 351, 352, 355 and 356).

  • The student must have earned at least 75 student credit hours at the time of application for consideration by the program.

Other parameters are as follows:

  • The student must earn a B or better in each of the graduate courses as an ABM student in order for it to count toward their graduate degree.

  • The student must earn an average 3.0 GPA in undergraduate courses taken as an ABM student to continue in the ABM track.

  • Students may take up to 6 hours of graduate credit as an ABM student

  • No credits will double count for both the undergraduate degree and the graduate degree

  • Students are limited to 1 graduate class per semester unless approved by both the graduate program director and the student’s undergraduate advisor

See Graduate Catalog for specific courses available to ABM students