Feb 05, 2025
ARCHIVED 2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Social Work, BSW
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The undergraduate program offers a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree as preparation for many careers from public service to work in the private sector. The undergraduate social work program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), and its principal educational goal is to prepare students for beginning generalist social work practice.
Admission & Retention Information
Declaration of a major in social work does not guarantee admission to the program. Students are eligible to apply for admission when they have attained an overall 2.80 GPA, have completed 35 credit hours, and in addition, have completed SOCW 151, SOCW 251, and SOCW 253 (or be enrolled in SOCW 251 and SOCW 253). Students must maintain an overall 2.80 GPA each semester after admission to remain in the program. Students must complete an online application for admission to the program. Applications are accepted during October and February of each semester. The application and directions for the application process are located at the following link: https://wcu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6x2w3lGY7FXBitf The application and directions for the application process are located on the department’s website. A student in the Social Work program must maintain an overall GPA of 2.8 and adhere to the professional and technical standards of the program. All social work required courses must have a grade of ‘C’ or above to earn credit for the course. Students must adhere to the university maximum grade replacement allowance however, only one Social Work course is eligible for grade replacement per required Social Work course. For information on these standards and information regarding admission and termination from the program, refer to the department’s website https://www.wcu.edu/learn/departments-schools-colleges/HHS/socw/bsw/index.aspx. BSW Major Requirements
42 hours Liberal Studies + 67 hours Social Work Required Courses + 11 hours General Electives = 120 hours
Social Work Curriculum: 67 hours
A grade of C (2.0) or better is required in the following courses: Social Work Electives: 9 Hours
General Electives: (11-20 hours)
To complete 120 hours, students should take 11 or more hours (number depends on how many Liberal Studies courses also count toward the major). To satisfy general university degree requirements, students must take at least 25 percent of their class hours at the junior-senior level at WCU. The Social Work Program has been continuously accredited by the Council of Social Work Education (CSWE) since 1974. |
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