Mar 11, 2025  
ARCHIVED 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

History, B.A.

Total number of hours for program: 120.

Students who elect to pursue the BA as part of the double degree licensure program in Social Sciences Education could exceed the 128 credit hours. The history degree trains students to connect their personal and local history to regional, national, and global histories.  It combines significant academic training in analysis, written and oral communication, and critical thinking with internship opportunities in the public school classroom, public history institutions, and government, academic, non-profit, spiritual, and corporate institutions.  Students completing this degree leave with skills and experiences that train them to be contributing members of society and a global economy.


Liberal Studies Hours: 42

Liberal Studies Program Requirements 

Major Requirements


Modern Foreign Language (6 hours)

WLL 231-232 or 240 (6 hours)  

Methods Credits (6 hours)

  Students will take 6 hours of methods courses: HIST 297: Sophomore Seminar and 3 Hours from one of the following Advanced Methods/Capstone Courses: HIST 491: Supervised Student Teaching in Social Sciences, 9-12 (3 hours) HIST 483: Internship in Public and Applied History (3 hours) 400 Level Capstone Designated Seminar Course (3 hours)

Upper Division Electives (18 hours)

18 hours of 300/400 level electives to include 3 hours in United States History, 3 hours in European History, 3 hours in ALAMEA (African, Latin American, Middle Eastern, and Asia). Students must have 3 hours of 400-level electives (in addition to the 3 hours of methods/capstone listed in the methods credit section above). HIST 395 will be double counted as an upper level division elective course in the history major for dual-degree students seeking a BA in History and a BSED in Social Science Education. It is a requirement in the BSED program in Social Science Education.

Survey Courses (9 hours)

Students will take 3 hours from each of the following areas: U.S. History, European History, and ALAMEA (African, Latin American, Middle Eastern, and Asian history).

  • Credits: (3)
  • European History (3 hours): HIST 220: Ancient Empires HIST 221: Birth of Europe 300-1517

  • ALAMEA (3 Hours): HIST 210: African History to 1880 HIST 211: African History since 1880 HIST 212: Latin American History I HIST 213: Modern Latin American History HIST 218: History of Modern Asia U.S. History (3 Hours): HIST 233: American Legal History HIST 234: Immigration and Ethnicity in the U.S. HIST 235: American Sports History HIST 236: Native American Lives HIST 237: African American History HIST 238: History of American Popular Culture HIST 250: Urban History  

Additional Requirements

To complete the program, a total of 39 hours is required, including a minor, or a second major, or another approved program and general electives. At least 30 hours of the courses taken at WCU must be at the junior-senior level to meet one of the general university degree requirements. Students should consult their advisors during the term before their senior year to create a plan for their Capstone Course. Visit the department’s website at to view the 8 semester curriculum guide.