Total number of hours for the program: 128.
Admission to the Social Sciences Education Program
Students seeking admission to the Social Sciences Education Program must declare their major and meet the requirements for admission to the Teacher Education Program Teacher Education Program .
Admission to the Professional Education Sequence
Students in Professional Education must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program and are subject to all of the teacher education requirements. EDCI 201 is the only course in the professional education sequence that may be taken prior to admission to teacher education.
Continuation in the Social Sciences Education Program
To continue in the program, students must meet the continuation requirements of the Teacher Education Program Teacher Education Program . In addition, students must have a 3.0 GPA in both degrees (excluding the Professional Education Sequence and Liberal Studies) and a 2.5 overall GPA. Students must achieve a C or better in HIST 395 to take HIST 405.
Students must complete a two semester internship.
Students seeking licensure must enroll simultaneously and complete the BSEd and the BS or BA in History.
No grade lower than a C in courses in either major will count toward the degrees.