Oct 07, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Inclusive Education, B.S.ED.

Total number of hours for program: 126.

Students who complete this major will be recommended for North Carolina teaching licensure in Exceptional Education: General Curriculum (K-6) and eligible for licensure in Elementary Education (K-6), (pending approval by North Carolina Department of Public Instruction).

Admission to the Inclusive Education Program  

Students seeking admission to the Inclusive Education Program must declare their major and earn and maintain a 2.75 GPA before being admitted. In order to be admitted students must complete an application for admission in EDCI 201 and achieve minimum required scores in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics on PRAXIS I. Students will also complete a personality trait survey in EDCI 201, which will be viewed prior to admission (see Admission Teacher Education Program ). Students admitted to the program must maintain a 2.75 GPA or better to continue in the program. In addition to courses in the professional education sequence and courses in the major, Inclusive Education teacher candidates must earn a C or better in the following courses: ENGL 101, ENGL 202. If a student’s overall GPA falls below 2.75 the student will be removed from the program and must improve the GPA and reapply for admission. If a student receives an F in any course in the professional education sequence or major, the student must retake the course when it is offered and earn a grade C or better. If a student fails any required major course twice, the student is withdrawn from the major. If a student does not successfully complete internship they may be withdrawn from the program and will be ineligible for licensure. 

Admission to the Professional Education Sequence in Inclusive Education

Students in the Professional Education must be admitted to the Teacher Education Sequence and are subject to all of the teacher education requirements. EDCI 201 is the only course in the professional education sequence that may be taken prior to admission to teacher education. The inclusive education professional education sequence includes: EDCI 201, PSY 323, SPED 339, SPED 490, and SPED 495.

 Continuation in the Inclusive Education Program

The requirements for continuing in the program are (1) a GPA of at least 2.75 on hours attempted (2) behaviors and dispositions which adhere to the code of ethics of the profession and (3) satisfactory participation and completion in the required professional field experiences including ELMG 390 which are a prerequisites to internship. An evaluation of each field experience assignment will become a part of the teacher candidate’s professional record. Any dismissal from a field experience or internship will result in a grade lower than a C and will make the teacher candidate ineligible for licensure. 

Liberal Studies Hours: 42

Liberal Studies Program Requirements 

Major Requirements

Inclusive education major, 63* hours as follows:

*MATH 321 and MATH 322 are Liberal Studies of which 3 hours count toward Liberal Studies in the degree. Three hours of a foreign language count toward Liberal Studies.

  • Six hours of foreign language

Additional Requirements:

Inclusive education majors are required to maintain a 2.75 in the major and to earn a “C” or better in all courses required in the major. If a student earns a grade below a “C” in a required course or a student’s grade point average in the major falls below 2.75, the student will not be permitted to enroll in SPED 312, SPED 423 or SPED 484.

Visit the program’s website at http://www.wcu.edu/28968.asp to view the 8 semester curriculum guide.