ARCHIVED 2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Theatre, B.F.A.
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Admission to the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre
Entrance into the program will require the following: (1) Sophomore standing and the completion of no more than 90 hours; (2) Minimum overall GPA of 2.5; (3) Completion of CMTA 131, ENGL 102, a liberal studies course in oral communication, history, and art or music with a grade of “C” or better, and completion of a liberal studies science course and the core mathematics course; and (4) Resume documenting involvement and/or training in theatre. (5) Applicants must complete a letter of application and present an audition piece or design/tech portfolio. Each student will be required, upon admission, to declare an area of emphasis in either Performance or Design/Tech. Within the area of emphasis, the student will then declare a concentration: - In Performance, concentrations are Acting or Musical Theatre
- In Design/Tech, concentrations are Design or Technical Production
Early admission into the program by audition is encouraged, but is provisional pending completion of the above. Complete admission procedures and retention policies are outlined in the PROCEDURAL GUIDE FOR THE BFA IN THEATRE located in the Department of Communication, Theatre, and Dance. Major Requirements
The major requires 128 hours as follows: Liberal Studies, 42 hours Required Theatre Core Courses, 35 hours Performance or Design/Tech focus 25 hours, and Concentration, 26 hours Required Courses:
Required Theatre Core Courses for all B.F.A. students, 35 hours: Performance Emphasis-25 hours
Additional Requirements
4 hours from: Additional requirements
8 hours of electives and one of the following concentrations: Additional Requirements
Select one of the following courses: Acting concentration-26 hours
- 9 hours from CMTA 345, 346, 351, 441
- 8 hours from DA 253, 255, 261, 264, 303, 304, 305, 306, PE 207
- 3 hours from ENGL 333, ENGL 431
- 6 hours of performance credits at the Jr/Sr level
Musical Theatre concentration-26 hours
- 3 hours from MUS 171 or MUS 371
- 3 hours from MUS 175 or MUS 370
- 2 hours of MUS 306
- 2 hours of MUS 406
Additional requirements
Recommend 6 hours of electives be taken in DA (Students in the Musical Theatre Concentration must achieve a level two proficiency in one of the following: Ballet, Tap or Jazz.) Design/Tech Emphasis-25 hours
Additional requirements:
- 6 hours from ART 136, 137, IDES 350, 355
- 6 hours from HIST 221, 222 or higher level
- 3 hours from ENGL 333, 431
Additional requirements
5 hours of electives and one of the following concentrations: Design concentration-26 hours
- 6 hours from CMTA 333, 335, 337, 493 (with advisor approval)
- 6 hours from CMTA 433, 435, 437, 438
- 3 hours from ET 132, IDES 251, ART 132
- 6 hours of production credits from CMTA 370, 483, or 486
- 5 hrs advisor approved electives in concentration
Technical Production concentration-26 hours
- 6 hours from CMTA 333, 335, 337, 438
- 6 hours of production credits–at least 3 must be at the Jr/Sr level
- 5 hours of advisor approved electives in concentration
Total hours required for the B.F.A.
To complete the program, a total of 128 hours are required. A student will have only one concentration in the B.F.A. degree. At least 32 hours taken at WCU must be at the junior-senior level to meet one of the general university degree requirements. Visit the department’s website at http://www.wcu.edu/2264.asp to view the 8 semester curriculum guide. |
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