ARCHIVED 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
World Languages
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Office Information:
118 Mckee Building/Main Campus
(828) 227-7241
Dr. Will Lehman, Department Head (search by department)
For information on special majors in this department that are available through the Humanities Program, please check the Humanities copy under “The Honors College” in the catalog or contact The Honors College at (828) 227-7383.
Native Speaker Policy
Native speakers are encouraged to enroll in any of the following courses: FREN/GER/SPAN 321, 322, 330, 331, 332, 333, 351, 393, 451, 481, and all 400-level literature courses. Other courses are normally not open to native speakers except where required in degree programs. The department head may make exceptions on an individual basis.
ProgramsMinorOther Programs
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