ARCHIVED 2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Chemistry and Physics
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Cynthia Atterholt, head
B. Bintz, D. Butcher, K. Butcher, J. Clement, A. Dewanti, B. Dinkelmeyer, K. Dinkelmeyer, L. Embrick, E. Gomez, P. Heckert, C. Huffman, S. Huffman, E. Jellen-McCollough, W. Kwochka, C. Marth, M. Rave, A. Salido, J. Snover, A. Song, , J. Summers, M. Woldeyohannes
Students interested in pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-optometry, pre-veterinary, and prepharmacy programs are encouraged to enroll in the B.A. in Chemistry or the B.S. in Chemistry – Pre-medical/Pre-dental/Pre-optometry/Pre-veterinary/Pre-pharmacy Concentration. Those interested in advanced study in chemistry are encouraged to enroll in the B.S. in Chemistry - Four Plus One Concentration in which students may receive a B.S. and an M.S. in chemistry in five years.
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