Mar 12, 2025
EDM 345 - Weather and Disaster Geological processes and weather-related events like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, extreme heat, floods, hurricanes, lightning, tornadoes, tsunamis, droughts, and winter weather all pose risks that may warrant an emergency response. Preventing, preparing, mitigating, and responding to weather-related events are the tasks of emergency and disaster management responders. National weather maps, storm alerts, and accurate forecasting can aid in emergency preparation, yet are rarely as clear-cut as desired. Understanding these complex factors, in addition to how weather can affect the response to emergency deployments for other types of disaster, are important considerations. Weather-related events can also lead to other types of emergency outcomes such as the spread of disease in flood zone areas. Understanding the intersection of geological processes, weather-related events, and emergency preparation and response is the focus of this course.
Prerequisites: EDM 250 or permission of instructor. Credits: 3
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