Sep 20, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2019-2020 Graduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2019-2020 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Courses



  • CHEM 564 - Genomics

    Molecular aspects of cellular genomes.

    Credits 3
  • CHEM 565 - Forensic Chemistry

    Introduction to modern forensic chemistry with emphasis on the use of instrumental methods of analysis.

    Credits 4
  • CHEM 571 - Inorganic Syntheses

    Multistep synthesis of inorganic compounds along with advanced characterization techniques.

    Prerequisites Enrollment in the Chemistry 4+1 concentration with a grade of C- or better in both CHEM 242 (lecture and lab) and CHEM 321; or enrollment in the Chemistry MS program.

    Credits 1
  • CHEM 572 - Organic Syntheses

    Multistep synthesis of organic compounds along with advanced characterization techniques.

    Prerequisites Enrollment in the Chemistry 4+1 concentration with a grade of C- or better in CHEM 242 (lecture and lab); or enrollment in the Chemistry MS program.

    Credits 1
  • CHEM 575 - Biochemistry Laboratory

    Practical applications of biochemical and molecular biology techniques associated with the production and analysis of nucleic acids and proteins.

    Prerequisites A grade of C or better in CHEM 242 or permission of the instructor.

    Credits 1
  • CHEM 593 - Topics in Chemistry

    Lecture, Lecture/Lab, Lab or Seminar.

    Prerequisites Permission of department head.

    Credits 1-3 Lecture, 0-3 Lab or seminar
  • CHEM 596 - Seminar in Chemistry

    Development of scientific communication skills including public speaking and critically listening to scientific presentations, preparation for graduate studies. 2 Seminar.

    Prerequisites Junior-level standing; Enrollment in the 4+1 Program.

    Credits 1
  • CHEM 621 - Graduate Inorganic Chemistry

    Structure and bonding in inorganic compounds; acid-base theory; coordination complexes of transition metals; introduction to crystal-field and ligand-field theory.

    Credits 3
  • CHEM 652 - Graduate Physical Chemistry

    Overview of chemical thermodynamics, kinetics, and quantum mechanics.

    Credits 3
  • CHEM 689 - Cooperative Education in Chemistry

    Applied project or internship component of the M.S. Chemistry Professional Science Concentration in Natural Products.

    Prerequisites Minimum of 9 hours of graduate courses, minimum B average in graduate work, and approval of department head, advisor, and cooperative education coordinator.

    Credits 6, R6
  • CHEM 691 - Topics in Chemical Education

    Topics in Chemical Education

    Prerequisites High school chemistry teaching experience; permission of department head.

    Credits 1-3, R9
  • CHEM 692 - Topics in Inorganic Chemistry

    Topics in Inorganic Chemistry

    Credits 3, R6
  • CHEM 693 - Topics in Analytical Chemistry

    Topics in Analytical Chemistry

    Credits 3, R6
  • CHEM 694 - Topics in Organic Chemistry

    Topics in Organic Chemistry

    Credits 3, R6
  • CHEM 695 - Topics in Physical Chemistry

    Topics in Physical Chemistry

    Credits 3, R6
  • CHEM 696 - Seminar in Chemistry

    Seminar in Chemistry

    Credits 1, R3
  • CHEM 697 - Non-thesis Research in Chemistry

    Only 9 semester hours may be counted toward a degree.

    In this course students will work on an independent project involving some aspect of chemistry or professional aspects of the chemical industry.


    Example projects may include:

    • a traditional chemistry research problem

    • a collaboration with a local industry to address operational costs, regulatory issues, market/feasibility studies, etc.

    • a collaboration with a local industry to address method development, instrumentation testing, application testing, etc.

    The research accomplished in this course will be presented in a formal report and orally to an advisory committee.

    Prerequisites Permission of Instructor

    Credits 1-3

  • CHEM 698 - Research in Chemistry

    Only 9 semester hours may be counted toward a degree.

    Prerequisites Permission of Thesis Research Advisory Committee.

    Credits 1-3, R15
  • CHEM 699 - Thesis

    Only 3 semester hours may be counted toward a degree.

    Prerequisites CHEM 698 and permission of Thesis Research Advisory Committee.

    Credits 3, R9
  • CHEM 779 - Continuing Research-Non-Thesis Option

    See Policy on Completion of Thesis and Dissertation found in the Admissions and Degree Requirements Section of the Graduate Catalog. S/U grading. These hours will not count toward fulfilling degree requirements.

    Prerequisites Must NOT be enrolled in a thesis program.

    Credits 1, R10
  • CHEM 799 - Continuing Research-Thesis Option

    See Policy on Completion of Thesis and Dissertation found in the Admissions and Degree Requirements Section of the Graduate Catalog. S/U grading. These hours will not count toward fulfilling degree requirements.

    Prerequisites CHEM 699 and enrollment in a thesis program.

    Credits 1, R12

Communication Sciences and Disorders

  • CSD 594 - Topics in Communication Disorders

    Topics in Communication Disorders

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits 1-3, R6
  • CSD 620 - Infant Toddler Communication

    This course describes the acquisition of communication and language in the first 30 months of life.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 630 - Professional Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders

    Review and analysis of professional issues that impact services delivery in communication sciences and disorders and strategies for addressing the issues.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 640 - Voice Disorders

    The etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of voice disorders. Current issues in the management of voice problems.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 642 - Research in Communication Disorders

    Study and application of research designs and statistics in communication disorders.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 648 - Language Disorders - School Age

    Current issues in language and learning disabilities; application of research to assessment and intervention.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 662 - Articulation and Phonological Disorders

    Current issues in articulation and phonology; application of research to assessment and intervention.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 668 - Language Disorders-Preschool

    Analysis of language disorders among the preschool population: Evaluation and implementation of treatment approaches.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 670 - Fluency Disorders

    Theory, assessment, and treatment of stuttering and other fluency disorders in children and adults.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 672 - Language Disorders in Adults

    Theory, diagnosis, and treatment of adult language disorders.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 673 - Neurogenic Speech Disorders

    Theory, diagnosis, and treatment of neurogenic speech disorders including apraxia, dysarthria, cerebral palsy, and dysphagia.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 674 - Diagnostics

    Clinical procedures used in evaluating communication disorders.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 677 - Dysphagia

    Diagnosis and treatment of persons with feeding and/or swallowing disorders.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 678 - AAC Assessment and Intervention

    Study of augmentative/alternative communication systems and assessment/intervention strategies for persons with severe disabilities.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 681 - Independent Study-Master’s Project

    Directed Research Project.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 683 - Clinical Practicum

    Supervised clinical experiences in varied settings. 3 Clinical experience.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits 1-3, R15
  • CSD 699 - Thesis


    Prerequisites PREQ: 682 or EDCI 602 and permission of instructor.

    Credits 3, R6
  • CSD 779 - Continuing Research-Non-Thesis Option

    See Policy on Completion of Thesis and Dissertation found in the Admissions and Degree Requirements Section of the Graduate Catalog. S/U grading. These hours will not count toward fulfilling degree requirements.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Must NOT be enrolled in a thesis program.

    Credits 1, R10
  • CSD 793 - Topics in Severe Disabilities I

    Introductory graduate seminar addressing communicative abilities and needs of persons with severe disabilities and autism.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission to the WCU Communication Disorders Program in Severe Disabilities.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 794 - Topics in Severe Disabilities II

    Second seminar addresses communication-based practice issues for persons with severe disabilities and autism.

    Credits 3
  • CSD 799 - Continuing Research-Thesis Option

    See Policy on Completion of Thesis and Dissertation found in the Admissions and Degree Requirements Section of the Graduate Catalog. S/U grading. These hours will not count toward fulfilling degree requirements.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Student must be enrolled in a thesis program.

    Credits 2, R24

Communication—Electronic Media

  • COMM 593 - Selected Topics in Communication

    Selected topics in communication.

    Credits 3

Communication—Theatre Arts

  • CMTA 586 - Theatre Production

    Theatre Production

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • CMTA 593 - Selected Topics in Theatre Arts

    Selected Topics in Theatre Arts

    Credits 3

Computer Information Systems

  • CIS 605 - Managerial Communication

    Formal managerial communication for decision-making with strong emphasis on written and oral presentation skills: includes intranet, extranet, policies, and mission statements.

    Credits 3
  • CIS 651 - Information Systems for Competitive Advantage

    Fundamentals of information systems, use of information systems to gain competitive advantage, and IT as an agent for change in organizations.

    Prerequisites MBA 500, 505, 510, 515, 520, 525, or equivalents.

    Credits 3
  • CIS 661 - Systems Analysis and Development

    Analysis and development of information systems (small, workgroup, and enterprise systems) using recent technology. Students develop, implement, and test client-server and/or Web-based information systems.

    Credits 3
  • CIS 662 - Database Management Systems

    Centralized information system design and implementation for business applications, logical system model, physical model, and database application development.

    Credits 3
  • CIS 682 - Research Project in Computer Information Systems

    Research projects dealing with analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, security, tools, languages, or other topics related to information systems of the present or the future.

    Prerequisites Detailed project proposal must be approved by department head and director of graduate programs in business.

    Credits 3, R6
  • CIS 693 - Topics in Information Systems

    Current and emerging topics in information systems.

    Prerequisites Permission of department head and director of graduate programs in business.

    Credits 1-3, R6

Computer Science

  • CS 552 - Advanced Computer Architecture

    Advanced topics in computer architecture including pipelining, multiple and parallel processing systems, issues in performance enhancement, data flow computers, and VLSI computations.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 350.

    Credits 3
  • CS 555 - Computer System Performance Analysis

    Performance evaluation of computer systems and computer networks; measurement and benchmarks, simulation, and analytical models (stochastic processes and queuing theory).

    Prerequisites PREQ: 370 and MATH 270.

    Credits 3
  • CS 560 - Compiler Construction II

    Continuation of course 460; symbol tables, principles, scope rules, type rules; structures from specific languages; run-time models; code generation and optimization; error recovery; term project.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 460.

    Credits 3
  • CS 564 - Microcomputer Development

    Software and hardware development and interfacing for dedicated microcomputer applications.

    Prerequisites PREQ:  350 or PHYS 302 or IET 371.

    Credits (3)
  • CS 565 - Computer Networks

    Protocol layers, error control, media access, routing, congestion control, TCP/IP, name resolution, socket programming, client-server, interface definition languages, component APIs.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 151 and 250.

    Credits 3
  • CS 580 - Artificial Intelligence

    Machine intelligence; problem reduction, state space search, game trees, expert systems, resolution principle; introduction to LISP.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 351.

    Credits 3
  • CS 593 - Selected Topics in Computer Science

    Selected Topics in Computer Science

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of department head.

    Credits 1-6, R6

Construction Management

  • CM 503 - Sustainability in Construction

    Sustainability and green building concepts and how they are integrated into the different segments of the construction industry.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission to the MCM program or admission to the graduate school and instructor permission.

    Credits 3
  • CM 515 - Introduction to Legal Issues in Construction

    Introduction to selected topicsfrom law and ethics that support the activities of the construction/project manager.

    Prerequisites Admission into the MCM or MPM program(s).

    Credits 3
  • CM 542 - Construction Estimating

    Comprehensive introduction to the principles, techniques, technologies, and concepts related to the methodologies and strategies used in the preparation of construction estimates and bid proposals.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission to the MCM program or admission to the graduate school and instructor permission.

    Credits 3
  • CM 552 - Leadership in Construction Management

    Theory and practice of leadership in construction management, including in-depth coverage of motivation, conflict resolution, decision making and other construciton management leadership topics.

    Credits 3
  • CM 562 - Construction Scheduling

    Construction scheduling utilizing the critical path method, program evaluation and review technique, and computer applications.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission into the MCM program or admission to the graduate school and instructor permission.

    Credits 3
  • CM 600 - Advanced Construction Finance

    This course investigates financial management of construction companies, financial decision making and project financing.

    Prerequisites Admission into MCM or MPM program(s).

    Credits 3
  • CM 611 - Advanced Materials and Methods

    Methods and materials used in the construction industry including asphalt, concrete, timber, masonry fiber reinforced composites and other materials.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission into the MCM program or permission of the instructor.

    Credits 3
  • CM 621 - Construction Operations and Safety

    Theory and case studies related to the construction operations analysis and safety operations including productivity improvement and human factors.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission to the MCM program or admission to the graduate school and instructor permission.

    Credits 3
  • CM 630 - Advanced Legal Issues in Construction

    An overview of standard construction contracts traditionally used between contractors, owners, design professionals and subcontractors and an introduction to different contractual delivery risk mechanisms.

    Prerequisites Admission into the MCM program or admission to the graduate school and instructor permission.

    Credits 3
  • CM 649 - Computer Applications in Construction

    Computer applications in construction including hardware and software and emerging computing and information technologies.

    Prerequisites Admission into the MCM program or admission to the graduate school and instructor permission.

    Credits 3
  • CM 650 - Project Management Systems

    An overview of the project management framework and knowledge areas; the strategic context of projects; introduction to project management tools.

    Prerequisites Admission into the MCM program or permission of the instructor

    Credits 3
  • CM 651 - Research in Construction

    This course provides an overview of issues in research and teaching construction management in higher education as a career.

    Prerequisites PREQ:  Admission to the M.C.M. program.

    Credits 1
  • CM 652 - Project Plan Development

    Human resources, legal, financial, and logistical principles for project planning; preparation of initial project plan documentation.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 650.

    Credits 6
  • CM 653 - Research Methods in Construction

    This course examines the application of statistical techniques to issues in construction management, including quality control, decision making, and risk analysis.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission to the MCM program or admission to the graduate school and permission of the instructor.

    Credits 3
  • CM 654 - Project Plan Analysis and Approval

    Integration of human resource, legal, financial, and logistical aspects of projects; preparation and presentation of final project plans.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 652.

    Credits 6
  • CM 655 - Advanced Topics in Construction

    This course focuses on three current topics, their reasons for development, progress, and affect on the industry.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission to the M.C.M. program.

    Credits 3
  • CM 656 - Construction Forensics

    This course investigates construction failures, construction failure investigation techniques, and preventing construction failures.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission into the MCM program or admission to the graduate school and permission of the instructor.

    Credits 3
  • CM 657 - Construction Best Practices

    An examination of approaches to benchmarking and to current construction industry best practices.

    Prerequisites PREQ:  Admission to the M.C.M. program.

    Credits 3
  • CM 659 - Advanced Legal Aspects in Construction

    This course advances the graduate student’s knowledge regarding project administration related to different contractual delivery risk mechanisms employed in the construction industry.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission to the M.C.M. program.

    Credits 3
  • CM 660 - Land Development I

    This course introduces and develops the student’s knowledge of land development feasibility and site analysis, conceptual design, planning, environment regulations, sustainable site planning and construction.

    Prerequisites Admission into the MCM program.

    Credits 3
  • CM 661 - Land Development II

    This course introduces and develops the student’s knowledge of land development feasibility and site analysis, conceptual design, planning, environment regulations, sustainable site planning and construction.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission into the MCM Program.

    Credits 3
  • CM 662 - Land Development Finance

    This course introduces and develops the student’s knowledge of land development financing and investment.  The course will focus on analytical techniques used in evaluating developments.

    Prerequisites PREQ: CM 500.

    Credits 3
  • CM 664 - Legal Issues of Land Development

    This course introduces land planning and subdivision regulations, contract administration, and budgetary controls for land development.

    Prerequisites PREQ: CM 530.

    Credits 3
  • CM 688 - Directed Project

    A formal  investigation of a particular research problem under the guidance of a faculty member.

    Credits 1-3, R6


  • COUN 500 - Comprehensive Examination

    Counseling program comprehensive examination.

    According to Graduate School policy, only one re-examination will be permitted.

    Prerequisites Admission to the Counseling program.

    Credits 0

  • COUN 600 - Individual and Group Helping Skills

    Exploration of helping roles; individual interviewing skills, group process skills demonstration, role playing, and recordings; for noncounseling majors.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 602 - Professional and Ethical Issues in Counseling

    Orientation to counseling profession, history, credentials, roles and current issues; ethical and legal issues, including client rights, professional relationships, and advocacy.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 605 - The Helping Relationship

    Analysis of the helping relationship; development of helping skills; demonstrations, role playing, and recordings; professional orientation; ethical issues; on-campus laboratory experience required.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission to graduate program in counseling.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 610 - Family Counseling

    Survey of basic family counseling theories: structural, strategic, systemic, experiential, and intergenerational.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 630, 631 or permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 611 - Couples Counseling

    Study of diverse couple relationships from systemic and developmental theoretical perspectives; problem areas couples may face and treatment considerations will be explored.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 612 - Sexuality Counseling

    Exploration of human sexuality and assisting individuals and couples with sexual concerns. Emphasis on sexual development, sexual orientation, sexual dysfunction, and sexual trauma/abuse.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 615 - Cross-cultural Counseling

    Social and cultural considerations in counseling; study of ethnic groups, differences between and within cultural groups, and their implications for counseling.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission to graduate program in counseling or permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 617 - Addictions Counseling

    A systems-based study of addiction and its effects upon the individual, family, and community; implications for counseling those affected by addiction.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 619 - Nature as a Metaphor

    Students will learn methods of incorporating the complexities and interactive systems found in nature into client treatment plans through the construction of metaphors that match client diagnosis and accepted modalities of treatment.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 620 - Counseling Children and Adolescents

    Individual and group counseling approaches for use with children and adolescents, focusing on both developmental and remedial methods.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 621 - Play Therapy

    Introduction to the basic concepts of child-centered play therapy. Development of a therapist-child relationship and utilization of play media in the counseling process is emphasized as a means to facilitate expression, self-understanding, and growth and development.

    Prerequisites COUN 605

    Credits 3
  • COUN 622 - Counseling Adults and Older Persons

    This course explores normal physiological and psychological changes associated with the aging process.Counseling needs of adults, older persons and their caregivers are addressed.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 623 - Introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling

    Concepts and current practices in counseling in clinical mental health settings; consideration of a model clinical mental health counseling program.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 624 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Grant Writing and Program Management

    Advanced course examining issues and trends in clinical mental health counseling. Needs assessment, funding, managing, and supervising counseling practices in public and private settings.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 625 - Developmental Perspectives of Counseling

    Nature and needs of individuals across the developmental lifespan, including social, cognitive, behavioral, and personality factors and strategies for facilitating development across the lifespan.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission to graduate program in counseling or permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 630 - Theories and Techniques of Counseling

    Selected theories of counseling; application through demonstrations, supervised practice and role play; development of personal model of counseling.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 605.

    Credits 3
  • COUN 633 - Crisis Intervention and Trauma Therapy

    Crisis intervention, suicide prevention and strategies, trauma, and trauma-informed practice in counseling.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 605 or permission of instructor.

    Credits 3

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