Sep 20, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2019-2020 Graduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2019-2020 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Courses


Social Work

  • SOCW 682 - Research Project in Social Work

    Research projects dealing with various fields and methods of social work.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Approval of detailed project proposal by instructor.

    Credits 3, R6
  • SOCW 686 - Advanced Field Practicum and Integrative Seminar I

    Supervised practicum in a social service agency or organization to apply theory and practice knowledge at the advanced level.

    Prerequisites S/U IP grading. PREQ: Acceptance into the MSW program

    Credits 6
  • SOCW 687 - Advanced Field Practicum and Integrative Seminar II

    Supervised practicum in a social service agency or organization to apply theory and practice knowledge at the professional level.

    Prerequisites PREREQ: S/U & IP grading.

    Credits 6


  • SOC 514 - Minority Groups

    Relations between dominant and subordinate races and ethnic groups; historical and comparative aspects; African Americans, Chicanos, and Indians. This course is cross-listed with ANTH 514

    Credits 3
  • SOC 523 - Sociology of Sport

    Social issues in sports examined from historical, cross-cultural, and sociological perspectives with attention to impact of race, gender, and social class on participation.

    Credits 3
  • SOC 532 - Community Organization and Development

    Community organization viewed as a process of bringing about desirable changes in community life; community structure, needs assessment, and planning for change.

    Credits 3
  • SOC 534 - Regional and Societal Development

    Social dimensions of economic growth and development with particular emphasis on Third-World countries; alternative definitions of development; problems related to the implementation of change in national, regional, and institutional structures.

    Credits 3
  • SOC 554 - Sociology of Conflict and Conflict Resolution

    Analysis of sociological theories of social conflict, including Marx, Weber, Simmel, Coser, Dahrendorf, and Collins; case studies of conflict and conflict resolution stressing the applications of theory and research.

    Credits 3
  • SOC 580 - Independent Study in Sociology

    Independent Study in Sociology

    Prerequisites PREQ: Written application; approval of instructor and advisor.

    Credits 1-2, R6
  • SOC 583 - Internship in Sociology

    Application of theory, methods and techniques in a cooperating agency under faculty supervision. S/U grading. 9 hours per week per course.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • SOC 584 - Internship in Sociology

    Application of theory, methods and techniques in a cooperating agency under faculty supervision. S/U grading. 9 hours per week per course.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • SOC 585 - Internship in Sociology

    Application of theory, methods and techniques in a cooperating agency under faculty supervision. S/U grading. 9 hours per week per course.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • SOC 594 - Topics in Sociology

    Topics in Sociology

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits 3, R6
  • SOC 801 - Rural Society

    Historical and contemporary survey of key social institutions within rural areas in the United States with attention to the processes of demographic and structural change.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits 3

Special Education

  • SPED 500 - Creative Thinking and Problem Solving

    Exploration of creative thinking; emphasis on current research and present methodologies of problem-solving.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 501 - Introduction to Learning Disabilities

    Historical concepts and theories of learning disabilities; educational characteristics of learning disabled children; overview of remedial programs.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 240 or permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 502 - Current Issues in Special Education

    Investigation and interpretation of educational issues in special education.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 503 - Current Issues in Gifted Education

    Investigation and interpretation of educational issues in gifted education.

    Credits (3)
  • SPED 504 - Educational Programs for Students with Behavioral Disorders

    Study of identification procedures, affective and behavioral techniques, and instructional programs for teaching students with behavioral disorders.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 505 - Educational Programs for Students with Learning Problems

    Advanced approaches and methods for teaching students with learning problems.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 401 or permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 506 - Advanced Methods to Teach Students with High Incidence Disabilities

    Characteristics, needs, and advanced methods of teaching students with mild to moderate disabilities in the general curriculum.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 507 - Behavioral and Social Needs of Exceptional Learners in the General Curriculum

    Principles and techiques of individual behavior management in the general curriculum.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Must be accepted into the MAT program.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 528 - Programs and Services for Individuals with Severe/Profound Disabilities

    Addresses programs, services, and related issues relevant to the education and treatment of individuals with severe/profound disabilities.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 529 - Educational Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities

    Study of educational programs and services for students with intellectual disabilities.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 530 - Assessment and Functional Skill Instruction in the Adapted Curriculum

    Provides information on how to assess and teach daily living skills to students with significant intellectual disabilities. Clinical experiences required.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 532 - Assessing the Adapted Curriculum

    Methods for teaching academics to students with severe/profound and multiple disabilities. Field experience required.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 534 - Positive Behavior Supports for Students with Severe Disabilities, Advanced

    Exploring and using the current research to create and implement positive behavioral supports, functional behavioral assessments and support plans for students with severe disabilities.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 555 - Culturally Responsive Classroom Management for Exceptional Learners

    Theories and practices for creating and managing positive and culturally responsive classrooms.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 562 - Best Practices for Teaching Reading & Written Language to Exceptional Learners

    Methods and techniques for teaching reading to exceptional learners in the general curriculum.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 563 - Best Practices for Teaching Mathematics to Exceptional Learners

    Methods and techniques for teaching mathematics to exceptional learners in the general curriculum. Field experience required.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 566 - Approaches and Practices for Teaching Students with Disabilities

    Instructional theory and practices for teaching students with disabilities.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 567 - Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Curriculum for Students with Disabilities

    Remedial approaches and techniques for teaching reading, writing, and mathematics.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 571 - Foundations of Gifted and Creative Education

    Historical concepts of gifted education; definitions of giftedness; characteristics and unique needs of gifted and creative students; screening and idenfication procedures.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 575 - Methods and Models of Gifted and Creative Education

    Examination and analysis of the methods and models of gifted and creative education.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 577 - Curriculum Differentiation for Gifted and Creative Learners

    Exploration of ways to adapt content, process, product and the learning environment to provide appropriate learning experiences for gifted and creative students.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 586 - Accessing the Adapted Curriculum: Intern 1

    Methods for teaching academics to students with severe/profound and multiple disabilities. Intern 1 requirements will be completed in required field  experience.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 587 - Special Education Internship

    Supervised experience in a school or clinical setting.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Written application; Approval of instructor advisor.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 593 - Topics in Special Education

    Topics in Special Education

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits 1-3, R6
  • SPED 603 - Administration of Special Education Programs

    Administrative practices and problems of organization, staffing, curricular development, and supervision of special education.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 604 - Theory and Practice in Early Intervention

    Legal issues, family involvement, parent partnerships, program evaluation, public policy, historical perspectives, models, and theories related to early intervention.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 605 - Social & Emotional Curriculum for Gifted Students

    Methods for developing social-emotional curricula for use with gifted learners in the school setting.

    Prerequisites PREQ: SPED 571 or permission from the instructor.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 606 - Intervention for Young Children with Developmental Disabilities

    Effective environments and programs, appropriate resources and support services, curricular adaptations, and instructional planning related to intervention for young children.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 620 - Education in a Diverse Society

    Prepares teachers to meet the learning needs of diverse student populations.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 630 - Teaching Students with Mild to Moderate Intellectual Disabilities

    Objectives, methods, and materials for students with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 632 - Preschool Disorders: Assessment and Evaluation

    Best practices in assessment for early intervention; assessment instruments, curriculum, family-centered approaches.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 633 - Collaboration with Families and Professionals

    Developing collaborative teams of parents, teachers, other professionals and paraprofessionals for the education and support of individuals with disabilities.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Registration is restricted to students enrolled in a MAT or MAED degree program.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 635 - Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Characteristics of students with autism and related issues.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 636 - Evidence-Based Methods for Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Strategies for educating students with autism will be described and practiced.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 639 - Teaching Exceptional Learners in Inclusive Classrooms

    Methods and techniques for teaching exceptional learners in the general curriculum. Clinical experience required.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 640 - Universal Design for Learning

    The study and application of Universal Design for Learning to address accommodations and modifications for diverse learners.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 681 - Seminar in Learning Disabilities

    Exploration of emerging theories and research influencing the teaching of individuals with learning disabilities.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 682 - Research in Special Education

    Theoretical and experimental research into techniques of teaching, investigation of problems, and educational systems.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Must be accepted into the MAT or MAEd program.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 684 - Social and Emotional Issues of Exceptional Learners

    In-depth analysis of  the social and emotional issues experienced by exceptional learners and exploration of practices addressing these in the classroom.

    Credits 3
  • SPED 687 - Practicum in Special Education

    Supervised experience in a school or clinical setting.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Must be accepted to the MAT program.

    Credits 1-3, R9
  • SPED 688 - Practicum in Special Education

    Supervised experience in a school or clinical setting.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Written application; approval of instructor and advisor.

    Credits 1-3, R3
  • SPED 779 - Continuing Research-Non-Thesis Option

    See Policy on Completion of Thesis and Dissertation found in the Admissions and Degree Requirements Section of the Graduate Catalog. S/U grading. These hours will not count toward fulfilling degree requirements.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Must NOT be enrolled in a thesis program.

    Credits 1-3
  • SPED 793 - Special Topics in Special Education

    Special topics relevant to Special Education.

    Credits 1-3, R6

Sport Management

  • SM 615 - Critical Issues in Sport

    Fundamental ethical, sociological, and legal frameworks will be discussed as well as applicable theoretical contributions.  The course will emphasize the application of various theories to critical issues in sport by way of written responses.  Teleological and deontological ethical theories, Aristotle’s virtue ethics, Kantian ethics, Rawls moral reasoning criteria, as well as the theories of justice will be covered.  The sociological theories will center on functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, and feminism.  Issues of negligence, torts, Constitutional law, contracts, labor law, intellectual property, Title IX will round out the legal focus. The above-mentioned theories will be applied to sport-specific issues, which may include but are not limited to: competition, the values of sport, violence, aggression, corruption, criminal activity, performance enhancing drug use in sports, using Native Americans as mascots, sexism in sport, amateurism and the commercialization of athletics.  This course will emphasize critical analysis, reading comprehension, debate/dialogue, by way of written analysis and evaluation. 

    Prerequisites None

    Credits 3
  • SM 620 - Sport Administration

    A systematic examination of the management and governance of contemporary sport organizations with an emphasis on organizational theory, leadership and managing diversity.

    Credits 3
  • SM 623 - Philosophical Foundations of Sport

    Foundational philosophies and how to establish an ethical base in the area of sport management.

    Credits 3
  • SM 630 - Economic and Financial Aspects of Sport

    Advanced financial and economic theory and sound fiscal principles specific to the sport industry.

    Credits 3
  • SM 640 - Sport Marketing

    Basic knowledge and understanding of the theory and fundamentals of sport marketing in the sport business industry.

    Credits 3
  • SM 650 - Event and Facility Management

    Planning, development, and management of sport facilities and events, including event management, marketing and promotion and design, planning, and administration of facilities.

    Credits 3
  • SM 660 - Sport Governance

    Aspects of the course will sensitize the student to the cultural and political nature of sport while regional and global sport associations will be explained.

    Credits 3
  • SM 670 - Media and Public Relations in Sport

    An overview of public and media relations applications, as well as computer technologies in sport organizations, as related to professional concerns.

    Credits 3
  • SM 672 - Sport in the Global Marketplace

    Interdisciplinary examination of sport around the world. History, management, culture, and market dynamics will guide the study of regional and global sport organizations.

    Focus will be given to international sport leagues and teams, the globalization of sport, market dynamics, emerging contemporary issues in the global sports industry, and U.S. based sport organizations operating internationally. 

    Credits 3

  • SM 683 - Practicum

    Experiences relating theory to practice in a specific area of sport management. 

    Prerequisites Advisor approval required.

    Credits 9
  • SM 684 - Internship in Sport Management

    Experiences relating theory to practice in a specific area of sport management.

    Prerequisites Permission of program coordinator.

    Credits 3

University Studies-Interdisciplinary

  • USI 693 - Topics in Graduate Education

    Topics in Graduate Education

    Credits 1-3, R6

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