Sep 27, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Information



  • MATH 191 - Mathematics in Social Choice and Decision-Making

    This course covers topics from voting methods, weighted voting, fair division, apportionment, and game theory.

    Credits 3
  • MATH 192 - Fractals: The Geometry of Nature

    Investigate basic mathematical principles behind fractals with connections to literature, art, science, and the general world.

    Credits 3
  • MATH 193 - Cryptography: The Science of Secrets

    A first-year seminar covering basic mathematical techniques, historical development, and contemporary issues related to the practice of cryptography.

    Credits 3
  • MATH 200 - Introduction to Mathematical Problem Solving

    Introduction to problem solving strategies appropriate for K-12 mathematics teaching and learning.

    Prerequisites MATH 146 or higher.
    Credits 1
  • MATH 221 - Number Sense for Teaching

    Numeration systems; quantitative reasoning with integers, rationals, irrationals, and reals; number theory.

    Credits 3
  • MATH 250 - Introduction to Logic and Proof

    An introduction to the principles of logic and the methods of proof necessary for the successful study of mathematics.

    Prerequisites MATH 140 or MATH 153 or consent of Department Head.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 252 - Engineering Calculus II

    Integrals of algebraic and trigonometric functions with applications series.

    Prerequisites MATH 152, or consent of the director of mathematics placement.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 253 - Engineering Calculus III

    Multivariate calculus, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, Green’s Theorem.

    Prerequisites MATH 252, or consent of the director of mathematics placement.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 255 - Calculus II

    Derivatives and integrals of transcendental functions, techniques of integration, indeterminant forms, improper integrals, infinite series.

    Prerequisites MATH 153.
    Credits 4
  • MATH 256 - Calculus III

    Plane curves, polar coordinates, vectors and solid analytical geometry, vector-valued functions, partial differentiation, multiple integrals.

    Prerequisites MATH 255.
    Credits 4
  • MATH 270 - Statistical Methods I

    Descriptive statistics, probability, random variables, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, one-sample and two-sample hypothesis testing, chi-square inference for two-way tables, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, analysis of variance.  Introduction to at least one statistical software package.

    Prerequisites MATH 146 or 153 or placement.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 300 - Problem Solving

    Methods and techniques for problem solving in mathematics. 2 Lecture hours.

    Prerequisites Math 200.
    Credits 2
  • MATH 301 - History of the Scientific Revolution

    A study of the role of science in Western culture from classical antiquity to the seventeenth century. (P3).

    Credits 3
  • MATH 310 - Discrete Structures

    Graph theory: planarity, eulerian, hamiltonian, colorings, and trees. Enumeration: permutations, combinations, binomial distribution, generating functions, recurrence relations, and inclusion-exclusion.

    Prerequisites MATH 250 or permission of instructor.

    Credits 3

  • MATH 311 - Informal Geometry

    Points, lines, planes, constructions; axiomatic structure of geometry and the nature of proof.

    Prerequisites MATH 321 and MATH 322.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 320 - Ordinary Differential Equations

    Differential equations of first order, first degree with applications; linear equations of higher order and numerical methods; special equations of second order.

    Prerequisites MATH 255.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 321 - Reasoning about Change, Measurement, Chance, and Data for Teaching

    Mathematics of algebraic and geometric change; measurements of two and three dimensional shapes; study of chance and probability; collecting, representing, and interpreting data.

    Prerequisites MATH 221.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 340 - Introduction to Scientific Computing

    Survey of mathematical software and programming languages; applications in modeling and simulation; development of algorithms that requires advanced mathematical background.

    Prerequisites MATH 255.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 361 - Abstract Algebra I

    Groups, rings, and fields.

    Prerequisites MATH 250.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 362 - Linear Algebra I

    Systems of equations, matrices, vector spaces, and linear transformations.

    Prerequisites MATH 250 and MATH 153.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 370 - Probability and Statistics I

    Classical probability models, distributions of discrete and continuous random variables, joint probability distributions, mathematical expectation.

    Prerequisites MATH 255.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 373 - Theory of Interest for Actuarial Exam FM

    Topics in financial mathematics on the second exam of the Actuarial Societies: interest rates, annuities, accumulation functions, amortization schedules, present values, future values, and bonds.

    Prerequisites MATH 255.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 375 - Statistical Methods II

    Least squares estimates of parameters in regression models, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals in linear regression models, testing of models, data analysis and appropriateness of models, time series models, moving average, regression-based and/or ARIMA models, estimation, data analysis and forecasting with time series models, forecast errors and confidence intervals.  Analysis of real data will be included.

    Prerequisites MATH 270.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 380 - Research in Mathematics

    Supervised research directed toward a topic selected in consultation with the instructor. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites Permission of instructor.
    Credits 1-3, R6
  • MATH 386 - Practicum

    Practical experience under faculty supervision for prospective teachers as teaching aides and as tutors. 5 Lab.

    Prerequisites MATH 255; permission of department head.
    Credits 2
  • MATH 389 - Cooperative Education in Mathematics

    See Cooperative Education Program.

    Credits 1 or 3, R15
  • MATH 393 - Topics in Mathematics

    Topics in Mathematics.

    Prerequisites Permission of department head.
    Credits 1-6, R6
  • MATH 394 - Contest Preparation Seminar

    Solving contest problems from selected topics such as: Number Theory, Combinatorics, Geometry, Inequalities, Calculus, Polynomials, Functional Equations, etc., S/U grading.

    Prerequisites MATH 153.
    Credits 1, R4
  • MATH 400 - History of Mathematics

    The development of mathematics from a historical perspective. Topics include elementary number theory, probability, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus.

    Prerequisites MATH 153 or MATH 140 or permission of department head.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 411 - Foundations in Geometry

    Axiomatic approach to the study and development of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry.

    Prerequisites Junior standing or permission of department head.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 412 - Modern Geometries

    Finite geometries, transformations, motions of the Euclidean plane and three-space, similarity transformations, convexity, and other topics.

    Prerequisites Junior standing or permission of department head.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 414 - Introduction to Secondary Mathematics Teaching Methods

    An examination of secondary mathematics curriculum and methods, strategies, and techniques of using technology to support mathematics teaching and learning.

    Prerequisites Admission to Professional Education Sequence AND Junior standing or permission of the instructor.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 415 - Methods and Materials for Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School

    A survey of contemporary trends and issues in teaching mathematics at the secondary level. Methods, materials, curriculum, and other current practices are included.

    Prerequisites Admission to the professional education sequence; MATH 414.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 422 - Real Analysis I

    Sequences of real numbers, continuous functions, and differentiation.

    Prerequisites MATH 250 and MATH 255.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 423 - Real Analysis II

    Differentiation including L’Hospital’s rule and Taylor’s theorem; integration theory; other classical topics.

    Prerequisites MATH 422.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 424 - Complex Variable Theory

    The complex number system, limits, continuity, derivatives, transcendental and multiple valued functions, integration.

    Prerequisites MATH 256.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 430 - Mathematical Modeling

    Topics including design of models, analysis of stability and sensitivity, optimization, programming, forecasting, differential equation models, diffusion, or wave propagation. 

    Prerequisites MATH 320, MATH 362, MATH 340.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 441 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis

    Numerical techniques in root-finding, interpolation, differentiation and integration, ordinary differential equations, linear systems, and error analysis.

    Prerequisites MATH 255; MATH 340 or CS 150.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 450 - Linear Optimization

    Formulation and solution of linear programming models; development of simplex method; duality theory; sensitivity analysis; software; and applications.

    Prerequisites MATH 255, MATH 362.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 461 - Abstract Algebra II

    Topics from abstract algebra including quotient groups and rings, rings of polynomials and field extensions, quaternions, homomorphism theorems.

    Prerequisites MATH 361.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 462 - Linear Algebra II

    Topics from linear algebra including algebra of linear transformations, dual space, algebra of polynomials, determinants, eigenvalues, diagonalization, and selected applications.

    Prerequisites MATH 362.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 470 - Probability and Statistics II

    Point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, decision theory, likelihood ratio and sequential testing, correlation and regression.

    Prerequisites MATH 370.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 471 - Problem Solving for Actuarial Exam P

    Advanced problem solving by means of extensive review and practice. Preparing students for Exam P of the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society.

    Prerequisites Math 256, Math 370.
    Corequisites Math 256.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 475 - Statistical Machine Learning

    This course blends the algorithmic perspective of machine learning in computer science and the predictive perspective of statistical thinking.  Topics include regression, classification, algorithmic analysis of models, performance metrics and prediction, cross-validation, data transformations, dimension reduction, supervised and unsupervised learning and ensemble methods.

    Prerequisites CS 150 and (MATH 270 or MATH 370).
    Credits 3
  • MATH 479 - Capstone: Seminar

    A course requiring written papers and oral presentations by students on historical and contemporary ideas from the current mathematical literature.

    Prerequisites MATH 250 and senior standing or permission of instructor.
    Credits 2
  • MATH 480 - Senior Thesis

    A guided undergraduate research experience with a faculty mentor.  Students will write a paper and give an oral presentation on a mathematics related topic. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites MATH 479.
    Credits 1
  • MATH 491 - Supervised Student Teaching in Mathematics, 9-12

    A full-time supervised teaching experience in the discipline.

    Corequisites EDSE 485 or EDSE 490 and ESDE 495.
    Credits 3

Mechanical Engineering

  • ME 312 - Mechanical Engineering Lab III

    The design and analysis of machine elements such as gears, shafts, bearings, and frictional devices. The laboratory exercises and project activities of this course are in support of ME 302. Contact Hours: 3 Lab.

    Corequisites ME 302.
    Credits 1
  • ME 332 - Heat Transfer: Analysis and Applications

    The basic principles of heat transfer and the application of these principles in engineering systems. Instrumentation, use of sensors, and computer-based data acquisition techniques are also covered. Contact Hours: 2 Lecture, 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites ENGR 315 and ME 321.
    Credits 3

Middle Grades Education

  • EDMG 410 - The Middle School Child and Curriculum

    Programs, methods, and materials for students in the middle grades.

    Credits 3
  • EDMG 411 - Differentiated Instruction in Middle Grades Education

    Exploration of diversity with respect to ways of learning and developing strategies for differentiating instruction in grades 6-9.   

    Prerequisites Admission to professional education sequence.
    Credits 3
  • EDMG 415 - Language Arts Methods Grades 6-9

    Teaching methods, materials, and curriculum development in language arts, grades 6-9, with emphasis on fostering written and digital communication.

    Prerequisites Admission to the professional education sequence.
    Credits 3
  • EDMG 416 - Science Methods Grades 6-9

    Methods for teaching science in grades 6-9.

    Prerequisites Admission to the professional education sequence.
    Credits 3
  • EDMG 417 - Social Studies Methods Grades 6-9

    Methods, materials, and strategies for teaching social studies in grades 6-9.

    Prerequisites Admission to professional education sequence.
    Credits 3
  • EDMG 419 - Mathematics Methods Grades 6-9

    The development of mathematical concepts: program, methods, and materials for grades 6-9.

    Prerequisites Admission to the professional education sequence.
    Credits 3
  • EDMG 420 - Responsive Assessment & Classroom Management

    The exploration of diversity with respect to classroom management and assessment, generate strategies for assessing learning, and develop plans for responsive learning communities.

    Prerequisites EDMG 410 and  EDMG 411. Admission to the professional education sequence.
    Credits 3
  • EDMG 421 - Internship Seminar for Responsive Teaching

    In this course, participants explore the dynamics of classroom management and assessment with a central focus on applying what they are learning to their internships.

    Prerequisites EDMG 411, EDMG 412.
    Corequisites EDMG 421.
    Credits 2
  • EDMG 422 - Inclusive Education: Co-Teaching in the Middle School

    In this course, participants explore the dynamics of classroom management and assessment with a central focus on applying what they are learning to their internships.

    Prerequisites EDMG 411, EDMG 412.
    Corequisites EDMG 420, EDMG 421.
    Credits 3


  • MUS 071 - University Chorus

    Study and performance of representative choral works; open to any student meeting eligibility requirements.  Different repertoire every semester.  Does not meet music degree requirements. 3 meetings.

    Credits 0
  • MUS 072 - Concert Choir

    Audition required; public performances. Does not meet music degree requirements.  4 meetings.

    Credits 0, R8
  • MUS 073 - Band

    Performance of wide variety of music in marching, symphonic, or concert band; open to any student meeting eligibility requirements. Different repertoire every semester.  Does not meet music degree requirements. 4 meetings.

    Credits 0
  • MUS 074 - Orchestra

    Experience for advanced strings, wind, and percussion players; formal concerts and performances. Different repertoire every semester.  Does not meet music degree requirements.

    Credits 0
  • MUS 075 - Ensemble

    Performance in vocal or instrumental ensembles.  Different repertoire every semester.  Does not meet music degree requirements.

    Credits 0
  • MUS 101 - Music Appreciation

    Introduction to the materials, performing media, and fundamental principles of music in the context of the western classical tradition. (P5).

    Credits 3
  • MUS 102 - Music in American Culture

    The role of folk, popular, and art music in American culture from 1607 to the present. (P5).

    Credits 3
  • MUS 103 - Women and Popular Music

    This course offers a historical survey of women in American popular music from 1920 to the present. Students examine blueswomen, Tin Pan Alley musicians, radio singers, the dawn of the teenager in American culture, women in rockabilly, girl groups, folksinger/songwriters, the Summer of Love, women in the music industry, women as music critics, the womyn’s music movement, punk, new wave, and riot grrrl, confessional singers, and child performers, including Disney girls. Students learn to distinguish between different musical styles; they examine how gender and sexuality have shaped the production, marketing, and consumption of American popular music in the past ninety-five years, they come to understand how music and other cultural products (e.g., movies, fashion, magazines) have shaped our country’s history and how technology influences music’s ubiuitous presence in our lives.

    Prerequisites none
    Credits 3
  • MUS 105 - Applied Preparatory

    Applied music study with one hour of private instruction and one hour master class each week. Studio.

    Prerequisites Audition or permission of the department head.
    Credits 2
  • MUS 106 - Applied Minor

    Applied music study with one-half hour private instruction per week. Studio.

    Prerequisites Audition or permission of the department head. 30-minute music lesson.
    Credits 1, R3
  • MUS 107 - Applied Major

    Applied music with one hour of private instruction and one hour master class each week. Studio.

    Prerequisites Audition or permission of the department head.
    Credits 2, R6
  • MUS 108 - Aural Skills I: Fundamentals of Sight Singing

    Aural analysis and sight singing of intervals, scales, chords, and simple meters using solfege syllables. 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites Placement exam or permission of the department head.
    Credits 1
  • MUS 118 - Music Theory I: Fundamentals

    Fundamentals of music notation: keys, modes, scales, triads, seventh chords, 2-part counterpoint, ranges and transpositions of instruments, elementary analysis and composition; basic Finale notation.

    Prerequisites Placement exam or permission of the department head.
    Credits 3
  • MUS 148 - Piano Class I

    Basic functional keyboard skills. 2 meetings.

    Prerequisites Music major or permission of department head.
    Credits 1
  • MUS 149 - Piano Class II

    Basic functional keyboard skills. 2 meetings.

    Prerequisites MUS 148.
    Credits 1
  • MUS 150 - Storytelling Through Sound

    Fundamental principles of audio emphasizing the tools and techniques involved in media production with particular attention to sound that enhances the storyline.

    Credits 3
  • MUS 168 - String Class

    Playing stringed instruments; basic technical problems and teaching techniques. 2 meetings.

    Credits 1
  • MUS 169 - Classroom Guitar Technique

    Basic technical problems and teaching techniques. 2 meetings.

    Credits 1
  • MUS 181 - Introduction to MIDI/Synthesis

    Survey of MIDI devices, synthesis techniques, and contemporary music technology. 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites Music major or permission of instructor.
    Credits 2
  • MUS 182 - Computer Music Notation

    Use of the computer to prepare music scores and parts.

    Prerequisites MUS 208, MUS 218 or permission of the instructor.
    Credits 2
  • MUS 190 - First-Year Seminar

    Variable topics such as jazz, rock music, music and community, music technology, etc. See schedule of classes for topic of each section.

    Credits 3
  • MUS 191 - Integral Arts

    Exploring the integral nature of art as how we live, record our life and world, and imagine our future. Open to majors within the College of Fine and Performing Arts, others by permission of the Director of the School of Stage and Screen.

    Credits 3
  • MUS 206 - Applied Minor

    One thirty-minute private lesson per week. Studio.

    Prerequisites MUS 108, MUS 118; two semesters of MUS 106.
    Credits 1, R3
  • MUS 207 - Applied Major

    Applied music with one hour of private instruction and one hour master class each week. Studio.

    Prerequisites MUS 108, MUS 118; successful sophomore qualifying exam or audition and permission of the department head.
    Credits 2, R6
  • MUS 208 - Aural Skills II: Basic Tonal Functions

    Aural analysis and performance of basic tonal functions, modulation, simple tonal forms, simple and compound meters.

    Prerequisites MUS 108 and MUS 118, placement exam, or permission of department head.
    Credits 1
  • MUS 218 - Music Theory II: Tonal Harmony

    Introduction to tonal functions: non-harmonic tones, tonicization, modulation, 4-part voice leading, analysis and composition of simple forms; introduction to computer-based music engraving.

    Prerequisites MUS 118 and/or placement exam or permission of department head.
    Credits 3
  • MUS 248 - Piano Class III

    Continuation of keyboard skill development. 2 meetings.

    Prerequisites MUS 149.
    Credits 1
  • MUS 249 - Piano Class IV

    Piano proficiency completion. 2 meetings.

    Prerequisites MUS 248.
    Credits 1
  • MUS 258 - Diction for Singers I

    Fundamentals of the International Phonetic Alphabet and the principles utilized in a singing pronunciation of English and Italian.

    Credits 1
  • MUS 259 - Diction for Singers II

    Continuation of the International Phonetic Alphabet and the principles utilized in a singing pronunciation of German and French.

    Prerequisites MUS 258 or permission of instructor.
    Credits 2
  • MUS 272 - Percussion Class

    Playing percussion instruments; basic technical problems and teaching techniques. 2 meetings.

    Credits 1
  • MUS 281 - Introduction to Digital Audio

    Fundamental concepts and techniques for music production using computer workstations for MIDI sequencing and manipulation of digital audio.

    Prerequisites MUS 181 or permission of instructor.
    Credits 2
  • MUS 283 - Music Technology Methods

    Topics, equipment, and pedagogy of music technology in music education. 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites MUS 108 and MUS 118 or permission of instructor.
    Credits 1
  • MUS 300 - Country Music: A Cultural and Stylistic History

    A cultural and stylistic history of country music from the early 1920s to the present.

    Credits 3
  • MUS 301 - Music for Elementary Classroom Teachers

    Music fundamentals, elementary performance skills, and methods of integrating music into the elementary classroom.

    Credits 1
  • MUS 302 - History of Rock Music

    Exploration of rock music as a rebellious cultural art form influenced by race and ethnic relations, politics, culture, technology and globalization. (P5).

    Credits 3
  • MUS 303 - The World of Music

    Musical traditions of various world cultures in their social contexts. (P6).

    Prerequisites Junior-level status.
    Credits 3
  • MUS 304 - Jazz Appreciation

    Introduction to the materials, performing media, fundamental principles, and performers of American jazz in a social and historical context. (P5).

    Credits 3
  • MUS 305 - Junior Recital

    Public performance. May be scheduled after hearing committee approval and completion of junior-qualifying examination.

    Prerequisites Junior-level qualifying examination.
    Credits 1
  • MUS 306 - Applied Minor

    One thirty-minute private lesson per week. Studio.

    Prerequisites Two semesters of MUS 206.
    Credits 1, R3
  • MUS 307 - Applied Major

    Applied music with one hour of private instruction and one hour master class each week. Studio.

    Prerequisites Successful junior qualifying examination or audition and permission of the department head.
    Credits 2, R6
  • MUS 308 - Aural Skills III: Advanced Tonal Functions

    Aural analysis and performance of advanced forms and chromatic tonal functions; 4-part dictation and performance, and complex meters. 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites MUS 208, MUS 218.
    Credits 1

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