Sep 27, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Information


International Studies

  • INST 483 - Internship in International Studies

    The three-credit International Studies internship provides an opportunity for INST students to gain applied experience, expand their professional networks, and explore their career options by pairing their classroom education with practical job experience.  Students can intern in a variety of contexts, including government, corporate, or non-profit organizations.  Additionally, each internship is expected to include a global component - for example, work duties might relate to matters of public health, peace and intercultural understanding, security, education, advocacy, economic development, or human rights.

    Credits 3
  • INST 493 - Topics in International Studies

    This special topics course will allow students to explore a subject beyond the standard international studies curriculum.

    Prerequisites INST 200 and Junior or Senior Status
    Credits 3


  • JPN 101 - Beginning Japanese I

    Introduction to the study of Japanese language and culture. Emphasis on speaking. (P6).

    Credits 3
  • JPN 102 - Beginning Japanese II

    Continued study of Japanese language and culture. Emphasis on speaking. (P6).

    Prerequisites JPN 101 or equivalent.
    Credits 3
  • JPN 190 - First Year Seminar: An Introduction to Japanese Popular Culture

    Selected topics of Japanese popular culture, with a focus on martial arts, cuisine, and animation.

    Credits 3
  • JPN 231 - Intermediate Japanese I

    Continued study of Japanese language and culture, with emphasis on oral development.

    Prerequisites JPN 102 or equivalent.
    Credits 3
  • JPN 232 - Intermediate Japanese II

    Continued study of Japanese language and culture with emphasis on oral development.

    Prerequisites JPN 231 or equivalent.
    Credits 3
  • JPN 301 - Third Year Japanese I

    Continued study of Japanese language (composition) and culture. 

    Prerequisites JPN 232 or permission of instructor.
    Credits 3
  • JPN 302 - Third Year Japanese II

    Continued study of Japanese language and culture.

    Prerequisites JPN 232 or permission of instructor.
    Credits 3
  • JPN 305 - Introduction to Japanese Literature in Translation

    Overview of Japanese literature in translation.

    Credits 3
  • JPN 306 - Anime, Manga and Japan

    Exploration of anime and manga to take a deeper look in Japanese language, culture, people, society and its current issues.

    Credits 3
  • JPN 307 - Japanese Language in Cinema

    Exploration of the use of Japanese language, and its social/cultural contexts, in film (classic to contemporary).

    Credits 3
  • JPN 393 - Special Topics in Japanese

    Special Topics in Japanese

    Prerequisites Permission of instructor.
    Credits 3, R12
  • JPN 451 - Advanced Japanese Grammar

    Continued study of Japanese language and culture.

    Prerequisites JPN 301 or permission of instructor.
    Credits 3
  • JPN 452 - Advanced Japanese Conversation

    Continued study of Japanese language (conversational) and culture.

    Prerequisites JPN 302 or permission of instructor.
    Credits 3
  • JPN 493 - Special Topics in Japanese

    Special topics in Japanese. For summer travel courses and study abroad courses only.

    Prerequisites Permission of Instructor.
    Credits 3, R12


  • LEAD 140 - Freshman Leadership Initiative I

    Students will be introduced to a theoretical framework for understanding leadership and followership, while participating in a living learning community. Students will experience the personal discovery of leadership potential and commitment.

    Credits 2
  • LEAD 141 - Leadership in the Campus Community I

    Students will learn general leadership strategies associated with being employed by, or otherwise representing the University in an official capacity. Emphasis will also be placed on particular functions of various positions. 

    Credits 1, R3
  • LEAD 150 - Band of Brothers: Leadership and Masculinity

    Students will be challenged and supported in transitioning to university life as they learn about campus and community resources aimed at student success. Further, they will discuss basic leadership principles through the lens of men’s identity and brotherhood. This is a Living Learning Community.

    Credits 2
  • LEAD 151 - Secrets of Powerful Women

    Students will be challenged and supported in transitioning to university life as they learn about campus and community resources aimed at student success. Further, they will discuss basic leadership principles through the lens of women’s identity and sisterhood. This is a Living Learning Community. 

    Credits 2
  • LEAD 152 - Going Green: Leadership & Environmental Responsibility

    Students will be challenged and supported in transitioning to university life as they learn about campus and community resources aimed at student success. Further, they will discuss basic leadership principles through the lens of environmental responsibility and sustainability. This is a Living Learning Community. 

    Credits 2
  • LEAD 153 - Global Awareness & Citizenship: Leadership from a Global Perspective

    Students will be challenged and supported in transitioning to university life as they learn about campus and community resources aimed at student success. Further, they will discuss basic leadership principles through the lens of global citizenship. This is a Living Learning Community. 

    Credits 2
  • LEAD 156 - Cultural Competency & Social Justice

    Students will be challenged and supported in transitioning to university life as they learn about campus and community resources aimed at student success. Further, they will discuss basic leadership principles through the lens of cultural competency and social justice. This is a Living Learning Community. 

    Credits 2
  • LEAD 180 - Freshman Leadership Initiative II

    Students will synthesize knowledge of the theoretical frameworks for understanding leadership and followership, while participating in a living learning community. This advanced course provides students with an opportunity to practice advanced leadership skills through team management and campus event planning. 

    Prerequisites LEAD 140.
    Credits 2
  • LEAD 241 - Leadership in the Campus Community II

    Students will learn general leadership strategies associated with being employed by, or otherwise representing the University in an official management or leadership capacity. Emphasis will also be placed on particular functions of various positions as a manager or leader. 

    Prerequisites LEAD 141.
    Credits 1
  • LEAD 244 - Principles of Leadership

    Students will explore the major theories of leadership and discuss how to define/measure leader effectiveness. It is intended for students who are interested in gaining a foundation in leadership studies and extended coursework in applied aspects of leadership.

    Credits 3
  • LEAD 249 - Diversity and Leadership

    Students will explore and discuss issues of diversity and leadership such as communication, resolving conflicts, motivation, decision-making, community service, and leadership styles. Key to this exploration will be in-depth discussions of what diversity means and how leaders impact social justice.

    Credits 3
  • LEAD 250 - Leadership Lessons Through Film

    Students will explore key concepts of leadership through the medium of film. Through intentional viewing and analysis, students will analyze leadership theory in relation to a wide range of movies.

    Credits 3
  • LEAD 294 - Special Topics in Leadership

    This lower division leadership course will be designed based upon a special topic in leadership.

    Prerequisites Permission of instructor.
    Credits 1-3, R6
  • LEAD 300 - Leadership for Racial Justice

    Students will explore how various forms of leadership have been manifest in historic and current movements for racial justice. Emphasis is placed on leadership strategies as contextualized in time, space, and place of racial justice movements. 

    Credits 3
  • LEAD 301 - Women-Centered Leadership

    Students will investigate leadership through various feminist lenses.  To facilitate this exploration, students will learn about various waves of feminism and discuss many examples of women leaders. 

    Credits 3
  • LEAD 302 - International Perspectives of Leadership

    Students will investigate what leadership means and how it is manifest in countries outside of the United States. Explorations will include the impact of culture on power, governance, and leadership in a global context.

    Credits 3
  • LEAD 343 - Dimensions of Spirituality in Leadership

    Students will explore their own relationship with their world and sense of spirituality, life course, and leadership knowledge while searching for meaning and purpose of actions and decisions.

    Credits 3
  • LEAD 344 - Advanced Leadership Theory

    Students will explore and discuss issues on ethics and values decision making from leadership perspectives to understand how leaders shape the moral environment in relation to major theoretical understandings of leadership.

    Prerequisites LEAD 244.
    Credits 3
  • LEAD 346 - Civic Engagement and Leadership

    Students will draw on history, psychology, political science, and sociology to promote ethical leadership and civic engagement in our local community. This will be accomplished through a combination of education, research, and service. 

    Credits 3
  • LEAD 381 - Leadership Minor Independent Study

    This upper division leadership course will be designed based upon a learning contract developed by the student and agreed upon by the sponsoring faculty member.

    Prerequisites Permission of Instructor.
    Credits 1-3, R9
  • LEAD 444 - Leadership Minor Capstone

    Students will move the theoretical leadership knowledge gained in prior coursework to practical application within the context of their chosen professional career path. Students will also synthesize knowledge gained across the leadership minor curriculum. Students taking this course need to meet prerequisites and should also have an additional six hours of approved Leadership Minor electives.

    Prerequisites LEAD 344 or permission of the instructor.
    Credits 3
  • LEAD 483 - Leadership Minor Internship

    Students will participate in an intensive field experience during this internship-based course that requires students to integrate lessons learned from the core leadership courses into practical leadership situations.

    Credits 1-3
  • LEAD 494 - Special Topics in Leadership

    This upper division leadership course will be designed based upon a special topic in leadership.

    Prerequisites Permission of instructor.
    Credits 1-3, R6


  • MGT 300 - Introduction to Management

    Principles, issues, and practices of managing in modern organizations.

    Credits 3
  • MGT 302 - Labor-Management Relations

    Critical roles of labor unions; legislative bodies and government regulations; negotiation of collective bargaining agreements and dispute resolution.

    Prerequisites MGT 300.
    Credits 3
  • MGT 304 - Human Resource Management

    Staffing, training, evaluating, and rewarding employees; developing and implementing effective personnel programs.

    Prerequisites MGT 300.
    Credits 3
  • MGT 306 - Behavioral Science in Organizations

    Examination of individual and collective human behavior in organizations.

    Prerequisites MGT 300.
    Credits 3
  • MGT 320 - E-Management: The Internet’s Impact

    Exploration of the effect of the Internet and new technology on productivity and management; case studies of how established companies are developing their e-business strategies.

    Credits 3
  • MGT 366 - Applied Management Skills

    Managerial skills, effective supervisory practices, and leadership approaches for entry-level managers.

    Prerequisites MGT 300.
    Credits 3
  • MGT 367 - Introduction to Project Management in Practice

    An introduction to project management competencies required by contemporary global organizations.

    Prerequisites MGT 300.
    Credits 3
  • MGT 389 - Cooperative Education in Management

    See Cooperative Education Program.

    Credits 1 or 3, R15
  • MGT 401 - Small Business Management

    Operations and strategies of small firms; integration of functional areas; economic, social, political, technological, and governmental factors.

    Prerequisites MGT 300 or permission of instructor.
    Credits 3
  • MGT 402 - Production and Operations Management

    Management processes for the creation of products and services; analytical techniques and controls.

    Prerequisites MGT 300 and (MGT 235 OR MATH 170 OR Permission of instructor).
    Credits 3
  • MGT 404 - Strategic Management

    Capstone course integrating all aspects of the business core curriculum using case method, term projects, and/or computer simulations.

    Prerequisites BSBA core courses and senior standing.
    Credits 3
  • MGT 405 - Compensation Management

    Design of compensation systems based on economic, behavioral science, and public policy models.

    Prerequisites MGT 304.
    Credits 3
  • MGT 407 - Interpersonal Behavior

    Managerial interpersonal relationships, listening behavior, self-awareness.

    Prerequisites MGT 300.
    Credits 3
  • MGT 480 - Independent Research

    Supervised, student-initiated research project.

    Prerequisites Permission of department head.
    Credits 3
  • MGT 483 - Internship in Management

    Supervised work or research in applications of previously studied theory. S/U grading. Minimum of 10 hours per week.

    Prerequisites Junior standing, 2.0 GPA, written application, permission of department head.
    Credits 3
  • MGT 484 - Internship in Management

    Supervised work or research in applications of previously studied theory. S/U grading. Minimum of 10 hours per week.

    Prerequisites Junior standing, 2.0 GPA, written application, permission of department head.
    Credits 3
  • MGT 485 - Internship in Management

    Supervised work or research in applications of previously studied theory. S/U grading. Minimum of 10 hours per week.

    Prerequisites Junior standing, 2.0 GPA, written application, permission of department head.
    Credits 3
  • MGT 493 - Topics in Management

    Topics in Management.

    Prerequisites Permission of department head.
    Credits 1-3, R6
  • MGT 495 - Seminar in Management

    Integration of management concepts; development of management knowledge and skills; preparation for the professional world of work.

    Prerequisites Nine hours MGT courses and senior standing.
    Credits 3

Manufacturing Engineering

  • MFE 311 - Manufacturing Engineering Lab I

    Laboratory exercises in support of MFE 324.

    Corequisites MFE 324.
    Credits 1
  • MFE 312 - Manufacturing Engineering Lab II

    Laboratory exercises in support of MFE 375.

    Corequisites MFE 375.
    Credits 1
  • MFE 324 - Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

    This course introduces the integration of manufacturing with computer aided design. Commercial software for computer aided design and manufacturing will be introduced in this course.

    Prerequisites ENGR 231 and EE 200.
    Corequisites MFE 311.
    Credits 3
  • MFE 327 - Quality Engineering

    This course introduces aspects associated with statistical methods for quality control and process improvement. Topics include process characterization, optimization, six sigma principles and robustness.

    Prerequisites MATH 370 and MFE 324.
    Credits 3
  • MFE 365 - Design of Manufacturing Systems

    This course introduces techniques and concepts required for the design of manufacturing systems. Concepts involving BOM, MRP, lean processes, production planning and forecasting are also introduced.

    Prerequisites MFE 324 and MATH 370.
    Credits 3
  • MFE 375 - Automated Manufacturing Systems

    This course introduces automation and computer-integrated manufacturing. Programmable logic controllers, industrial robotics, feedback systems and automation systems will also be introduced in this course.

    Prerequisites MFE 324 and ENGR 315.
    Corequisites MFE 312.
    Credits 3
  • MFE 424 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes I

    This course introduces advanced manufacturing processes such as grinding and gear manufacturing. Tooling, CNC machining processes and fixture design will also be introduced.

    Prerequisites MFE 365 and MFE 375.
    Credits 3
  • MFE 427 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes II

    Advanced manufacturing processes such as rapid prototyping, additive manufacturing, adhesive bonding and electronic manufacturing will be introduced in this course.

    Prerequisites MFE 424.
    Credits 3


  • MKT 134 - Small Group Communication and Sales Skills

    Current behavioral theory and research in the areas of small group communications and selling skills which are essential to managers in organizations.

    Credits 3
  • MKT 195 - Facebook Generation Marketing

    Explores how Internet and online social networking changed purchasing decisions with a focus on aligning organizational and communication strategies with current and emerging communication technologies.

    Credits 3
  • MKT 201 - Marketing Planning and Strategy

    This course presents the process of planning and executing a marketing strategy that satisfies consumer and organizational objectives.

    Credits 3
  • MKT 206 - Introduction to Professional Selling

    Sales persuasion skills, theories, and principles; simulated selling situations.

    Credits 3
  • MKT 211 - Marketing Principles (for non-marketing majors)

    This course provides a survey of key issues in marketing. Credit for course not applicable to hours required for graduation for students majoring in marketing.

    Credits 3
  • MKT 260 - Principles of Internet Marketing

    Principles of Internet Marketing is a survey course covering a broad range of topics including digital marketing, integrated internet marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, and marketing analytics. 

    Credits 3
  • MKT 310 - Consultative Selling

    Building long-term customer relationships through consultative selling, delivering customer value, and satisfying customer needs.

    Prerequisites MKT 206 or permission of instructor.
    Credits 3
  • MKT 340 - Consumer Behavior

    Examines psychological and sociological factors that influence consumption and decision making. Studies practical implications of consumer attitudes and behavior.

    Prerequisites MKT 201 or MKT 211.
    Credits 3
  • MKT 342 - Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy

    An understanding of the communications process. Research methods for audience identification. Gathering, analyzing data to understand customer responses.

    Prerequisites MKT 201 or MKT 211.
    Credits 3
  • MKT 343 - Advertising Management

    Planning and production of a professional advertising campaign.

    Prerequisites MKT 201 or MKT 211.
    Credits 3
  • MKT 352 - Sales Management

    Managing sales people through applications oriented assignments focusing on territory design, salesperson motivation, and quota attainment.

    Credits 3
  • MKT 360 - Foundations of Internet Marketing

    Foundations of Internet Marketing is a survey course covering a broad range of topics including digital marketing, integrated internet marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, and marketing analytics. 

    Prerequisites MKT 201.
    Credits 3
  • MKT 371 - Business and Organizational Marketing

    Strategic implications of marketing high volume, cost, or technological products to organizations. Focuses on needs and processes of businesses and inter-firm dynamics.

    Credits 3
  • MKT 389 - Cooperative Education in Marketing

    See Cooperative Education Program.

    Credits 1 or 3, R15
  • MKT 404 - Retailing Management

    Retailing organization and management, including: store location, merchandise management, expense analysis and control, and current issues and trends.

    Credits 3
  • MKT 406 - Internet and Social Media Marketing & Sales

    Application of Internet and social media marketing strategies. Project-based curriculum aligning organizational marketing objectives with emerging communication technologies and web based sales techniques.

    Prerequisites MKT 201.
    Credits 3
  • MKT 407 - Global Consumer Culture

    The consumption of goods and services has a big impact on individual identity formation, personal well-being, and society as a whole. Consumption has reached significant sophistication in today’s post-modern, post-industrial world, receiving a special label:  “consumer culture.” This course explores how consumers make meaning of the deluge of goods and services on the market, and construct their identities through products and brands, especially in light of the proliferation of consumer culture in both developed and developing economies. Students will examine these issues in a critically reflective, cross-disciplinary intellectual environment that evaluates the influence of the US in this process. (P6).

    Credits 3
  • MKT 409 - Negotiations/Relationship Marketing

    Focuses on the evolution of relationship marketing, interpersonal and group relationship development, and negotiation skills. (P1).

    Credits 3
  • MKT 465 - Decision Making for Value Creation

    This course is about how businesses create value and how marketers use information to make good decisions.

    Prerequisites MATH 170 or QA 235. MKT 201, ACCT 251, ECON 231, MKT 206 and two MKT electives at the 300 or 400 level.
    Credits 3
  • MKT 475 - Marketing Strategy

    This course begins with a brief review of strategic marketing analysis, then focuses on applied marketing activities using real world cases.

    Prerequisites MKT 201, MKT 304, and MKT 303.
    Credits 3
  • MKT 482 - Independent Study

    Supervised, student-initiated project.

    Prerequisites Marketing major, MKT 475, senior standing, minimum GPA of 3.25, permission of instructor and department head.
    Credits 3
  • MKT 483 - Internship in Marketing

    Supervised experience in applications of previously studied theory. S/U grading. Minimum of 10 hours per week.

    Prerequisites Junior standing, 2.0 GPA, written application, permission of department head.
    Credits 3
  • MKT 493 - Topics in Marketing

    Topics in Marketing.

    Credits 1-3, R12


  • MATH 101 - Mathematical Concepts

    Introduction to applications of mathematics to daily experience. Topics to include statistical analysis and interpretation, applications to business, measurement methods, and selected topics of interest. (C2).

    Credits 3
  • MATH 130 - College Algebra

    Real number properties, solving equations, inequalities, systems of equations, functions, and graphs.

    Credits 3
  • MATH 135 - Statistics, Functions, and Rates of Change

    Descriptive statistics, probability distributions, functions, and an introduction to derivatives.

    Credits 3
  • MATH 140 - Introductory Calculus

    The differential and integral calculus of algebraic functions of one variable.

    Prerequisites MATH 130 or 146 placement.
    Credits 5
  • MATH 144 - Applied Trigonometry

    Topics including right triangles, trigonometric functions, graphing; basic identities, triangle solutions, and complex numbers; emphasis on applications. Credit not available for both MATH 144 and MATH 145.

    Prerequisites MATH 130.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 145 - Trigonometry

    Basic trigonometry: functions, identities, graphs, solution of equations and triangles, complex numbers; analytical trigonometry. Credit not available for both MATH 144 and MATH 145.

    Prerequisites MATH 130 or consent of the director of mathematics placement.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 146 - Precalculus

    Functions using equations, graphs, and numerical data; linear, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, polynomial, and rational functions; transformations, compositions, inverses, and combinations of functions; trigonometry with identities.

    Prerequisites MATH 130 or consent of the director of mathematics placement.
    Credits 4
  • MATH 152 - Engineering Calculus I

    Limits, continuity, derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions with applications.

    Prerequisites MATH 146, or consent of the director of mathematics placement.
    Credits 3
  • MATH 153 - Calculus I

    Limits, continuity, derivative, and integrals of algebraic and trigonometric functions with applications.

    Prerequisites MATH 146 or placement.
    Credits 4
  • MATH 170 - Applied Statistics

    Descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, probability distributions, correlation, regression, estimation, and hypothesis testing.

    Credits 3
  • MATH 190 - Mathematical Models of Population Growth

    Exponential, logistic, age-structured populations, metapopulation dynamics, viable population size, and probability of regional extinction.

    Credits 3

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