Sep 27, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Information



  • MUS 306 - Applied Minor

    One thirty-minute private lesson per week. Studio.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Two semesters of MUS 206.

    Credits (1, R3)
  • MUS 307 - Applied Major

    Applied music with one hour of private instruction and one hour master class each week. Studio.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Successful junior qualifying examination or audition and permission of the department head.

    Credits (2, R6)
  • MUS 308 - Aural Skills III: Advanced Tonal Functions

    Aural analysis and performance of advanced forms and chromatic tonal functions; 4-part dictation and performance, and complex meters. 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 208, 218.

    Credits (1)
  • MUS 309 - Aural Skills IV: Jazz and Commercial Music

    Aural identification of common commercial chord groups, progressions, and musical forms including: blues, rhythm changes, and “American Song” form; basic improvisation. 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 308, 318.


    Credits (1)

  • MUS 311 - Pedagogy of Brass Instruments

    Teaching methodology and materials for brass instruments in a beginning band setting, including basic performance proficiency on each instrument. 1 Lecture, 2 Lab. 3 meetings/week.

    Credits (2)
  • MUS 312 - Pedagogy of Woodwind Instruments

    Teaching methodology and materials for woodwind instruments in beginning band setting, including basic performance proficiency on each instrument. 1 Lecture, 2 Lab. 3 meetings/ week.

    Credits (2)
  • MUS 313 - Band Instrument Repair

    Introduction to the repair and maintenance of band instruments for the music educator. 2 Lab.

    Credits (1)
  • MUS 314 - Jazz Pedagogy

    Fundamentals of jazz pedagogy in the secondary schools.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Music Education majors or permission of instructor.

    Credits (1)
  • MUS 317 - Applied Commercial and Electronic Music

    Applied study of Commercial and Electronic Music with one hour of individual instruction and one hour of masterclass each week. 

    Prerequisites Successful sophomore performance examination or audition.

    Credits 2, R6
  • MUS 318 - Music Theory III: Advanced Forms and Chromaticism

    Analysis and composition of advanced musical forms: sonata, rondo, episodic, etc., nineteenth-century chromaticism, intermediate computer-based music engraving.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 218.

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 319 - Music Theory IV: Twentieth Century Styles

    Analysis and composition of twentieth century musical styles including jazz and commercial music; basic orchestration and advanced computer-based music engraving.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 318.

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 320 - Materials in Popular Music and Jazz

    The basics of music theory and the development of aural skills pertaining to popular song and jazz.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 319 or permission of instructor.

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 323 - Music in the Elementary School

    Current issues, methods, and techniques for teaching and supervising general music programs in the elementary school.

    Prerequisites PREQ: MUS 319

    Credits (2)
  • MUS 324 - Music in the Middle School

    Current issues, methods, and techniques for teaching and supervising choral and instrumental music programs in the middle school.

    Prerequisites PREQ: MUS 319

    Credits (2)
  • MUS 326 - Instrumental Methods and Materials

    Methods and materials used in instrumental teaching.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission to teacher education.

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 327 - Choral Methods and Materials

    Methods and materials used in developing the school choral program.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Admission to teacher education.

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 329 - Fundamentals of Conducting

    Introduction to the basic skills and gestures of conducting.  3 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 309, 319.

    Credits (2)
  • MUS 358 - Concert Attendance

    Attend ten approved music performances. S/U grading.

    Credits (0)
  • MUS 371 - University Chorus

    Study and performance of representative choral works; open to any student meeting eligibility requirements. Different repertoire every semester.  3 meetings.

    Credits (1, R16)
  • MUS 372 - Concert Choir

    Audition required; public performances. Different repertoire every semester.  4 meetings.

    Credits (1, R16)
  • MUS 373 - Band

    Performance of a wide variety of music in the marching, symphonic, and concert bands; open to any student meeting eligibility requirements.  Different repertoire every semester.  4 meetings.

    Credits (1-2, R16)
  • MUS 374 - Orchestra

    Experience for advanced strings, wind, and percussion players; formal concerts and performances.  Different repertoire every semester.

    Credits (1, R16)
  • MUS 375 - Ensemble

    Performance in vocal and instrumental ensembles.  Different repertoire every semester.  S/U grading.

    Credits (1, R24)
  • MUS 376 - Musical Theatre Ensemble

    Staged production of scenes or shows from the operatic and musical theatre repertory.

    Prerequisites PREQ:  Permission of instructor.

    Credits (1,R8)
  • MUS 378 - Survey of the Music Industry

    The retail and wholesale music trade: publishing, royalties, copyright, performance rights, record production, advertising and promotion, labor relations, contracts, artist management.

    Prerequisites MUS 318 or permission of instructor

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 379 - Introduction to Recording Arts

    The audio recording process including the acoustics of sound, microphone design, signal path, audio console theory, and digital signal processing.

    Prerequisites PREQ:  MUS 281; Commercial and Electronic Music major or permission of the instructor.

    Credits 3
  • MUS 383 - Music and Audio in Media

    Recording, editing, mixing, importing, embedding and synchronizing digital audio with video in a variety of media formats.

    Prerequisites Music or Film majors, or permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • MUS 389 - Cooperative Education in Music

    See Cooperative Education Program.

    Credits (1 or 3, R15)
  • MUS 403 - Marching Band Techniques

    Variable topics:  students may enroll again for additional credit if a different topic is taken.

    Credits (1, R4)
  • MUS 405 - Senior Recital

    Public performance. May be scheduled after hearing committee approval.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 305.

    Credits (1)
  • MUS 406 - Applied Minor

    One 30-minute private lesson per week.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Two semesters of MUS 306.

    Credits (1, R3)
  • MUS 407 - Applied Major

    Applied music with one hour of private instruction and one hour master class each week. Studio.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Audition or permission of the department head.

    Credits (2, R6)
  • MUS 410 - History of American Musical Theatre

    A study of the development of the Musical in the United States, tracing its development from 17th Century sources. (P5)

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 411 - Advanced Vocal Pedagogy

    Advanced study of teaching methodology, physiology and anatomy of the voice. Emphasis on a variety of vocal styles, techniques, research, technology and practical teaching experiences.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Upper level music majors only.

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 412 - Teaching in the Private Studio

    Practical, ethical, and legal aspects of establishing a private music studio, including evaluation of appropriate pedagogical approaches and materials for individual instruction.

    Credits (1)
  • MUS 413 - Studies in Improvisation

    Study of significant styles of improvisation through listening, analysis, and performance.  Additional credit may be earned at an advanced level or in a different style.  Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 309, 319.

    Credits (1, R4)
  • MUS 417 - Applied MIDI/Synthesis

    Applied study of MIDI/Synthesis with one hour of private instruction and one hour of masterclass per each week.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits 2, R6
  • MUS 418 - Music History I: Music Before 1750

    Music history from the roots of Western civilization to the end of the Baroque.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 318 or permission of instructor.

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 419 - Music History II: Music after 1750

    Music history from the end of the Baroque to the present.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 319 or permission of instructor.

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 420 - Studies in Music Literature

    Historical and theoretical study of various forms of music literature.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 419 or permission of the instructor.

    Credits (3, R9)
  • MUS 425 - Twentieth-Century Music

    Historical and theoretical issues in twentieth-century music.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 419.

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 426 - Jazz Arranging and Composing

    Basic tools of creative arranging and composing for small jazz ensembles.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 320 or permission of instructor.

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 428 - Choral Conducting

    Study and application of gesture communication and analysis to choral conducting.  3 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 329.

    Credits (2)
  • MUS 429 - Instrumental Conducting

    Application of techniques and analysis to instrumental conducting.  3 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 329.

    Credits (2)
  • MUS 439 - Arts & Entrepreneurship

    This course serves as the prerequisite survey of arts management by covering the principles of arts entrepreneurship and management.  Arts & Entrepreneurship is designed for arts practitioners seeking to increase their knowledge of contemporary arts entrepreneurship and management practice.  In this course students will choose a concentration or focus such as visual arts, music, theater, dance, etc. This course provides the background necessary for understanding the current global arts marketplace, but assumes that arts businesses and organizations must adopt an entrepreneurial approach to thrive in the current and future marketplaces.

    Credits 3
  • MUS 450 - Arts & Entrepreneurship Intensive

    his course is designed to complement the core courses in the Arts & Entrepreneurship Undergraduate Certificate by providing a targeted and intense education in the business of the arts. 

    Over the academic year three to six guest lecturers are brought to campus to present workshops or master classes on a variety of arts and entrepreneurship topics. These workshops or master classes, focused on applied learning, consist of 15 contact hours for 1 hour of academic credit. These sessions are scheduled in a variety of ways to accommodate student schedules, including online instruction.

    (Repeatable, up to 6 credit hours.)

    Credits 1

  • MUS 468 - Composing for Film and Video

    Materials and procedures in composing music in synchronization with film and video.

    Prerequisites PREQ: MUS 181, or 283;  MUS 319.

    Credits 3
  • MUS 469 - Music in Motion Pictures

    The study of music composed for motion pictures, process and procedures, selected biographies, representative films, and a brief chronology.

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 470 - Orchestration and Arranging

    Scoring and arranging for instrumental and vocal ensembles.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 182 or 283; 319.

    Credits (2)
  • MUS 474 - Entrepreneurship in Music, Senior Project

    The study and application of skills needed in professional music related fields: senior project, resume, and multi-media portfolio required.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 378 or permission of instructor.

    Credits (1)
  • MUS 475 - Arts Management

    Introduction to the principles and practices of managing nonprofit cultural institutions.

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 479 - Digital Audio Recording and Editing

    Non-linear digital audio production for recording, editing, arranging and mixing of digital audio and MIDI.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 379 or permission of instructor.

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 480 - Independent Study

    Independent Study

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of the instructor; music major.

    Credits (1-3, R9)
  • MUS 481 - Live Sound Reinforcement

    A study of the tools and techniques used in the mixing and amplification of live sound.

    Prerequisites PREQ: MUS 379, 383, or permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • MUS 483 - Practicum in Music

    Project-based practicum in an on-campus work environment; 45 hours of work per hour of credit.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits 1-3, R3
  • MUS 489 - Internship

    Faculty-supervised training in an approved agency. Minimum of 9 hours per week or 135 hours for each 3 credits, arranged with the agency and the music department. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 378, permission of department head.

    Credits (3, R9)
  • MUS 491 - Supervised Student Teaching in Music, K-12

    A full-time supervised teaching experience in Music.

    Prerequisites COREQ: EDSE 490, 495.

    Credits (3)
  • MUS 493 - Topics in Music

    Issues in music performance, education, or the music business.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of department head.

    Credits (1-3, R12)
  • MUS 494 - Topics in Musical Theatre

    Selected topics in musical theatre.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits (1-3, R6)
  • MUS 497 - Seminar in Piano Pedagogy

    2 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Approval of instructor.

    Credits (1, R4)
  • MUS 498 - Seminar in Accompanying

    2 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Approval of instructor.

    Credits (1, R4)

Native American Studies

  • NAS 452 - The Roots of Health Disparities in Native American Populations

    Course discusses emergent models that associate chronic stress via historical and inter- generational trauma with chronic disease, particularly among Indigenous or colonized populations.

    Prerequisites Junior or senior standing.

    Credits 3
  • NAS 470 - Cherokee Culture and History

    Course will provide a general introduction to Cherokee culture and history with an emphasis on relationship to health and policy.

    Prerequisites Junior or senior standing.

    Credits 3
  • NAS 471 - Indigenous and Western Psychologies

    Epistemologies and world views of Southeastern Native peoples will be discussed in comparison with standard Western approaches of addressing behavioral health.

    Prerequisites Junior or senior standing.

    Credits 3
  • NAS 472 - Healing the Wounded Native Child

    Course will increase students’ understanding of culturally sensitive care and key elements involved in addressing behavioral health needs of Native child and adolescent populations.

    Prerequisites Junior or senior standing.

    Credits 3
  • NAS 474 - Issues in Indian Health

    Historical and cultural context of disease in the Americas from 1500 AD to present, with focus on health of Indigenous Peoples of Southeast.

    Prerequisites Junior or senior standing.

    Credits 3
  • NAS 476 - American Indian Tobacco and Substance Use

    Broad historic and contemporary survey of how tobacco and consciousness-altering substance usages are situated within the culture and daily lives of Southeastern Native peoples.

    Prerequisites PREQ: Junior or senior standing.

    Credits 3

Natural Resources Management

  • NRM 140 - Natural Resource Conservation and Management

    Students will develop a basic understanding of natural resources, and will investigate relationships between those resources and society while exploring issues related to their management. (C5)

    Credits (3)
  • NRM 150 - Career Opportunities in Natural Resources Management

    Exploration of varied career opportunities; career and program planning advisement; professional values and requirements; exposure to professionals in field. 2 lab/discussion/ demonstration.

    Credits (1)
  • NRM 210 - Methods in Natural Resources Management

    Introduction to the data collection, analysis and presentation techniques used in Natural Resources Management. 3 Lecture, 3 Lab.

    Credits (4)
  • NRM 320 - Soil Conservation

    Preservation, improvement, and utilization of soil resources for environmental management and productivity. 2 Lecture, 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: NRM 210, or permission of instructor.

    Credits (3)
  • NRM 330 - Introduction to Wildlife Ecology and Management

    Presents foundations of wildlife ecology and management. Topics include history and legislation, population dynamics, habitat, conservation, and sampling techniques. 2 Lecture, 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 210 or 340, or permission of instructor.

    Credits (3)
  • NRM 340 - Natural Resource Measurements

    Basic land, climatic, hydrologic, and vegetative measurements used in resource management.   3 Lecture, 2 Lab.

    Credits (4)
  • NRM 344 - Applied Geographic Information Systems

    Application of geographic information systems to the study, conservation and management of natural resources. Independent project required.

    Prerequisites GEOG 221.

    Credits 4
  • NRM 351 - Forest Ecology

    The study of forests as integrated ecological systems; energy transfer; nutrient cycling; communities; succession; disturbance; and their roles in productivity and management. 2 Lecture, 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 210 or permission of instructor.

    Credits (3)
  • NRM 352 - Forest Resource Measurements

    Principles of applications in measuring forest resources. Measurements of trees and stands for volume, quality, growth, land areas, and other forest resources. 2 Lecture, 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: NRM 210, or permission of instructor.

    Credits (3)
  • NRM 371 - Landscape Ecology

    The causes, development, quantification, and ecological consequences of spatial patterning on the landscape. Importance of scale; organism response to landscape patterns; natural- and human-caused disturbance.

    Prerequisites NRM 221 or permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • NRM 389 - Cooperative Education in NRM

    See Cooperative Education Program.

    Credits (1 or 3, R15)
  • NRM 420 - Soil Genesis and Classification

    Students will study the formation and classification of soils and relate their importance to resource management. 2 Lecture, 2 Lab.

    Credits (3)
  • NRM 440 - Integrated Resources Management

    Natural resources management exercises; project and strategic planning; map and quantitative integration techniques; group dynamics. 2 Lecture, 4 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: NRM 210, 442, or permission of instructor.

    Credits (4)
  • NRM 442 - Natural Resources Policy and Administration

    Policy and administrative principles; case studies on the evolution of policy in the United States; current issues.

    Prerequisites Junior standing or permission of instructor.

    Credits 3
  • NRM 444 - Applied Geographic Information Systems

    Enhances knowledge in the areas of data capture, database management, spatial analysis, and cartographic display. Project-based course capitalizing on the benefits of experiential learning. 3 Lecture, 3 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 344 or permission of instructor.

    Credits (4)
  • NRM 451 - Foundations of Silviculture

    Principles of silviculture and their applications to the major forest types of the United States. Site and management requirements of important tree species. 3 Lecture, 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: NRM 210, 351, or permission of instructor.

    Credits (4)
  • NRM 452 - Forest Management

    Principles of forest management at stand and forest levels; forest growth, regulation, harvesting, and multiple-use management. 3 Lecture, 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: NRM 210, or permission of instructor.

    Credits (4)
  • NRM 460 - Watershed Management

    Principles of watershed management for analysis and control of water yield, timing, and quality in single- and multiple-use situations. 2 Lecture, 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: NRM 210 or permission of instructor.

    Credits (3)
  • NRM 472 - Geospatial Analysis

    Integrative, interdisciplinary investigation into ecosystem habitats. Biophysical interactions and extrapolation of community to landscape level analysis. 3 Lecture, 2 Lab.

    Prerequisites PREQ: NRM 344, GEOG 324, or permission of instructor.

    Credits (4)
  • NRM 480 - Independent Study

    Independent Study

    Prerequisites PREQ: NRM major and permission of instructor.

    Credits (1-3, R6)
  • NRM 483 - Applications in Forest Management

    Students will participate in actual forest management activities in order to gain practical, hands-on experience in the design and implementation of forest management treatments. S/U grading.

    Credits (1-3, R6)
  • NRM 493 - Topics in NRM

    Topics in NRM

    Prerequisites PREQ: Permission of instructor.

    Credits (1-4, R12)


  • NSG 101 - Introduction to Professional Nursing

    Introduction to Professional Nursing Introduces pre-licensure students to essential competencies for nursing. 1 Lecture

    Prerequisites Required prerequisite for subsequent nursing courses with a required minimum grade of 3.0 (B)

    Credits (1)
  • NSG 301 - Professional Transitions in Nursing

    The development of the profession and of professional nurse roles and the processes through which they are conducted.

    Prerequisites COREQ: NSG 398 & NSG 399.

    Credits (3)
  • NSG 302 - Community Health Nursing I: Theory

    Concepts of population-focused nursing practice; protection and promotion of health for individuals, families, communities and aggregates.

    Prerequisites COREQ: 305, 384.

    Credits (3)
  • NSG 303 - Spiritual Dimensions of Nursing

    Meaning of spirituality from multiple perspectives and historical relationships with nursing explored.

    Credits (3)
  • NSG 304 - Stress Management and Health for the Caregiver

    Designed for health professionals, students in health professions and other caregivers to learn stress management and self-care.

    Credits (3)
  • NSG 305 - Community Health Nursing III: Intervention Project

    Community assessment, planning and intervention for health promotion in population-focused nursing practice.

    Prerequisites PREQ: 302, 384.

    Credits (1)
  • NSG 306 - Exploration of Complementary and Alternative Healthcare

    Exploration of complementary and alternative healthcare technologies and methodologies.

    Credits (3)
  • NSG 310 - Foundations of Nursing

    Fundamental nursing concepts and processes essential to promoting health and maintaining wellness. Focuses beginning practitioner on care across the lifespan.


    PREQ.:  Admission to the major

    CO-REQ.:  NSG 311

    Credits (4)

  • NSG 311 - Foundations of Nursing Practicum

    Application of fundamental nursing concepts.  The nursing role is explored within the context of individual, family and community health.

    Prerequisites  PREQ:  Admission to the major. COREQ:  NSG 310.

    Credits (3)
  • NSG 312 - Nursing Assessment thru the Lifespan

    Professional nursing observation and physical assessment of the individual in healthcare delivery systems. Basic systematic assessment skills used within the nursing process framework.

    Prerequisites PREQ.:  Admission to the major

    CO-REQ.:  NSG 311

    Credits (3)

  • NSG 313 - Pharmacotherapeutics in Nursing

    Effects of chemicals used in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease. Emphasis on safe application of basic pharmacotherapeutic knowledge.

    Prerequisites Admission to majorCorequisites NSG 311

    Credits 2

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